[Chapter 7]

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Nolan stopped to a halt, fearfully glancing around for any sight of his sister, Laney. "Uh, Jaxon.. I think I may actually go find my little sister." Nolan announced.

Jaxon turned around, brushing his hands through his golden locks- seeming to cast a spell among Nolan. "Alright, I'll go with you."

Nolan paused. This guy acted as though nothing happened back in the kitchen. Nolan awkwardly scuffed the ground with his shoe, as he shrugged. "Sure. If you want." He muttered. Jaxon gleefully nodded, instantly grasping hold of Nolan's hand, as he practically dragged Nolan where he'd last seen Laney.


"Alright, everyone!" The announcer's voice rang, bringing everyone's conversations to a pause. Three people arrived in the room. The man that had dropped the slips of paper.. the green-haired girl who welcomed Jenny and Natsuki, and a blonde-headed woman with sharp emerald eyes.

"Hey everyone, welcome to the party!" The blonde-haired woman waved a hand, grinning. "We're your host, and we hope you have a great time." The man stepped forward, nodding. "As we said, the game will start soon.. so get ready. In a bout fifteen minutes." He estimated, shrugging. The green-haired girl nodded, placing a hand on her hip. "Yep. And during this time- make sure to watch out for clues. They may help you throughout the game." The hosts exchanged a silent glance, before stepping back. "Have fun~" They both cooed, eventually walking out the room with casual strides.

Hazel clapped her hands together, as she silently squealed to Maggie. "Eek! I'm excited!" Maggie rolled her eyes, shrugging. "Eh." She replied. "C'mon.. don't tell me you're not." Hazel groaned. "I mean, for god's sake, you like Riverdale. It'll be kinda like this." Maggie shrugged. "Fine, yeah, maybe." She shrugged once more. 

Hazel analyzed the room with silent brown eyes. "Where's Jaxon, anyways?" Maggie followed her gaze, tilting her head. "Dunno. He's probably hitting on some chicks or somethin'." She suggested, rolling her eyes. Hazel pursed her lips into a straight line. "Rigghhttt.."

Natsuki entered the room with Jenny alongside, the two exchanging bright smiles of enthusiasm. Haru watched from close by, as he managed to bring up the courage to talk to the two girls. 

"Uh, hi." He started awkwardly, politely waving a hand.

"Hey." Natsuki grinned, shifting her weight onto one foot, thrusting her hip to the side. "You're Haru, right?" She added.

He grinned, relieved there was no need to introduce himself. "Yeah. You're Natsuki and Jenny?"

Natsuki silently nodded, though Jenny grew annoyed. "Yeah, so what brings you here to the party?" She frowned, crossing her arms.

"I got an invitation just like you." He replied, rolling his eyes.

"Sure.." Jenny breathed, glancing towards the exit of the room.

"Anyways, where's Ricky?" He questioned.

"I don't think I know him..-" Natsuki started, though Jenny cut her off with a scoff. "You sure you haven't done anything to him? This place is pretty ghetto and I know something's up." Jenny hissed.

"What?" Haru raised an eyebrow, his head tilting with confusion. 

Jenny sharply looked away, huffing. "Nevermind."

Natsuki broke the tension between the two with a smile. "Hey, we'll help you find him- if you want." She offered.

"Really? Thanks!" Haru grinned, as Jenny inwardly palm-faced herself.

"So, where'd you last see him?" Natsuki asked.

Haru explained how he went to grabs some drinks, used the restroom, though found his friend gone. "Not sure where else he went." Haru ended.

"Did you try texting him..?" Natsuki suggested."I tried, but no reception." Ricky explained, glancing with faint annoyance towards his phone.

"Well, you people go search for him. I'm not coming." Jenny sniffed, blinking away. "Why not..?" Natsuki questioned, attempting to reason with her friend. "I'd rather not." She replied, exchanging a cold glare with Haru.

Haru bit his lower lip, before grasping at Natsuki's hand. "C'mon, let's go." He muttered.  Natsuki allowed him to pull her away, though she constantly glanced back with regret towards Jenny.


Thatcher found himself in a conversation with Sienna, the two constantly referring to how weird the party was. He parted his mouth to form another retort- before spotting Jaxon and Nolan slip into the room. Thatcher narrowed his eyes, gritting his teeth together. He bolted after the two, gaining speed. Sienna silently watched him leave through clouded eyes. Oh no..

Thatcher entered a room with the two, eventually finding himself launching on top of Nolan, pinning him to the ground. Jaxon glanced back with wide eyes of surprise. "Dude, what the hell?!" He hissed, shoving Thatcher off. Jaxon's gaze darkened, as he helped Nolan up, standing protectively in front of him. "Get away from him."

What's going to happen next?! 

Why is Thatcher so upset? 

Find out in Chapter 8!

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