[Chapter 21]

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"Come on, let's go."

Thatcher led Sienna and himself in a deserted room lined with patched couches. Thatcher glanced around, frowning.

"She was right here.." He grumbled.

Sienna analyzed the room carefully, eventually catching sight of a slip of paper. It lay beneath a shaded couch, the edge poking out. "Thatcher, look." She whispered. Sienna dug her hand beneath the furniture, groping around, until she caught hold of the slip.

She pulled it out with interest, blinking with confusion.

"Well.. what does it say?" Thatcher asked, crossing his arms.

"Harper always zooms every line." She muttered. The two shared a puzzled expression, shrugging. Thatcher's eyes suddenly widened.

"Wait.. that paper you're holding is the same one the host was holding before she died." He gasped, making his way to Sienna's side.

"Then it must be important, right?" She questioned, offering it to Thatcher.

 "Well.. I don't see anything special about it." He muttered in reply, waving her off with a shake of his head. Sienna silently rolled her eyes, as she folded up the paper, handing it to Thatcher. 

"Just keep it in case." 

Sighing, he nodded, slipping it in the back pocket of his trousers.

Sienna gazed at Thatcher with careful eyes, as she felt herself growing flustered. "I-I have to go to the bathroom." She murmured, turning away. 

"Uh, do you want me to come?" Thatcher awkwardly offered. With people randomly getting killed, he didn't want Sienna to be at risk, though she giggled, shaking her head.

"Nah, I'll be fine. Thanks though." 

Sienna turned away once more, though silently gasped towards the gentle touch of a hand.

Thatcher wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tightly. "Please be careful.. I don't want to loose you too." He whispered. Sienna nodded, breathing in his sweet scent. Firewood. She exhaled, hesitantly pulling herself away.

"You won't. I'll be careful." Sienna promised.

Thatcher nodded in reply, as he silently watched her leave the room with careful amber eyes. Though he couldn't help but feel uneasy.. as if something bad was about to happen. He shrugged off the feeling, returning his focus back to the paper, huffing.


"How are you doing?" Nolan questioned, gazing down at Jaxon with clouded eyes of visible concern. Jaxon shifted closer to Nolan, grinning. He had lay on a pillow on a couch, his feet propped up on the edge.

"Better." He nodded, pulling his arms out from beneath his head.

"I'm going to get some drinks-" Nolan started, though Jaxon instantly grabbed his hand, shaking his head. "Don't. It might be dangerous.." He murmured, his own fear reflecting off of Nolan's eyes.

"It's fine. The kitchen is close by." Nolan remarked, offering a small smile of reassurance. Jaxon hesitantly pulled his hand away, looking doubtful, though he nodded.

"Just hurry back." Jaxon muttered, glancing away. Nolan nodded, as he left the room with uneasy steps.


Laney gazed after her brother, growing curious- and thirsty herself. She explained to Natsuki that she'd be back, and with a nod of permission, Laney followed close by.


Nolan made his way into the kitchen, spotting a few bottled waters nearby. With a satisfied smile, he reached out for one, though a screech made him freeze.

"Nolan, look out!" A voice cried.


A gun clicked, firing away.

Nolan gasped aloud.. Laney reaching out in front of him, moaning and shrieking in pain. Blood leaked from her tunic, forming a puddle beneath her. Laney staggered to the floor, gagging.

Nolan wailed aloud, hugging his sister's limp body in is arms. "No, Laney! Please answer me.." He croaked, sobbing. Laney's eyes fluttered shut in reply, a small smile appeared on her face, though faded into a pursed line.

A masked-woman scrambled out the kitchen, exiting the room.

Nolan's gaze darkened, tears streaming down his face. He attempted to carry her on his back, though collapsed, shuddering with fear and grief. He lost his sister. His number one. His biggest concern. A little girl who wanted to attend a 'haunted house' party. Gone...

Who killed Laney?

What will Nolan do?!

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