[Chapter 4]

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"Haru, where's the-" Abigail started, though paused, catching her friend Ricky alongside Haru. "Oh, hey, Ricky!" She remarked, faintly blushing.

"Hi, Abigail." Ricky nodded.

Haru made a 'lovey-dovey' face from behind, as he turned away with little interest.

"Uh.." Ricky glanced between the two, growing uncomfortable by the silence. "You look.. nice.. today." He randomly blurted out, eyeing Abigail with awkwardness.

"Y-you too." She giggled, taking his compliment as way of him hitting on her- though Ricky more as though never meant the comment. 

This is so painful to watch. Haru inwardly remarked, rolling his eyes. 

The doorbell rang, startling Abigail. "Oh! I'll get it." She nodded, exiting the room. Haru exchanged a playful expression with Ricky "Guess you could say.. you got saved by the bell." Haru smirked, cackling at his own joke. "Shut the fuck up, you dumb-ass." Ricky muttered, rolling his eyes.

Abigail returned to the door with frail slips dangling from her hand. "It's for you guys." She explained, handing over the pieces of paper with curiosity. "Looks like a party invitation." Abigail remarked, leaning over Haru's shoulder.

Ricky flipped onto his stomach on the couch, as he too, strained his neck forward, eyeing the invitation through slitted eyes.

"A haunted house party." Haru announced, raising an eyebrow. "Ooh, they have a murder mystery game there too."

Haru glanced over his shoulder, eyeing Ricky, as he nodded to the invitation. "What do you think?"

"Er, yeah, sure." He shrugged.

"I'll drive you guys there!" Abigail instantly offered. If Ricky was going, she wanted to be there. Abigail blushed, as she gazed down at the ground silently.

"Excuse you, I can drive my own car." Haru rolled his eyes, playfully sticking out his tongue.

"Oh really?" Abigail frowned, growing uncertain.

"Dude, you crashed my bike into a tree." Ricky butted in, narrowing his eyes.

"Yeah.. I'm driving. Let's go." Abigail smirked, as she made her way to the door, Ricky following close behind. Haru rolled his eyes once more. "Whatever, I can still drive, Abigail." He muttered, scrambling after the two.

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