📜Reviews By @Twink_ling_STAR📜

69 8 6

Anupre fanfics' scores:-

1)Haareya by lazy_late_panda

Cover:- 5/5 (The cover was indeed beautiful making the story eye catching. The theme depicted magical aura which I, personally loved the most.)

Title:- 5/5 ( A nice one. It was suitable for the plot.)

Blurb:- ⅗ (A few dialogues or lines could have been added.)

Plot:- ⅘ (The plot of the one shot was fabulous. Realising your love for someone while writing a letter is just unique!)

Writing style and grammar:- 9/10 (It was presented in a beautiful way. The use of different fonts was making it more pretty. Your way of writing was good.)

Overall Impression:- 9/10 (Everything was perfect. From the title, cover to the ending. This was unique! The lyrics of the song making it more perfect.)

Did the author followed you:-1 0 /10 no! The author  followed me.




2)Main hoon saath tere by @lazy_late_panda

Cover:- ⅗ (The cover could have been made more presentable.)

Title:- 3.5/5 (The title was chosen good but it could be put any other fascinating one.)

Blurb:- ⅗ (You could have added a few lines or dialogues according to the shot.)

Plot:- ⅘ (I liked the plot of the story. It was amazing and cute.)

Writing style and grammar:- 7/10 (In a need to improve.)

Overall Impression:- 7/10 (Overall Impression was good but blurb and cover could make the impression more impressive.)

Did the author followed you:- 10/10 no! The author didn't followed me yet.

Total:- 37.5/50



3)Kaash by @prernasurya20

Cover:- ⅗ (Try adding another cover which would be eye catching for the reader.)

Title:- 5/5 (The title of the story was according to the plot and concept. It was really nice.)

Blurb:- 3 /5 (You could have added a few lines according to the plot of the story.)

Plot:- ⅘ (The plot was really nice and emotional. Just perfect)

Writing style and grammar:- 8/10 (A recheck on your story would prove to be helpful Errors found!)

Overall Impression:- 9/10 (The overall Impression was appreciating one! It was a good story!)

Did the author followed you:- 10/10 yes!

Total:- 42/50


4)Helping her by @Confused_Soul_Kriya

Cover:- ⅘ (The cover was wonderful! Different moments accordingly put up!)

Title:- 5/5 (According to the story as it's a collection of different shots, it is perfect!)

Blurb:- 5/5 (Giving a description of each shot is a unique idea. I came across this idea just here! I liked the way you presented it.)

Plot:- ⅘ (The plot of the story was just superb different from that of the show.)

Writing style and grammar:- 9/10 (Your writing skills are amazing just a few mistakes.)

Overall Impression:- 9/10 (The overall impression was heartwarming.!!)

Did the author followed you:- 10/10 yes!

Total:- 46/50


5)Whom will he choose? by Confused_Soul_Kriya

Cover:- 5/5 (The cover was just beautiful. The characters were present according to the title.)

Title:- ⅘ (The title was good though but it could have been named with any other eye catching one.)

Blurb:- 5/5 (The way blurb was given can make anyone's mind curious.)

First impression:- 10/10 The way character sketch and starting was given made me love this part. Impressive indeed!)

Plot:- 9/10 (The plot of the story was superb. From friends to lovers crossing each hindrance is all that's needed.)

Writing style:- 8/10 (The way of writing is good. Just a little improvement needed.)

Language and grammar:- 10/10 (Use of appropriate words at appropriate situations was there.)

Character development:- 9/10 (The characters were added in a right way.)

Length of chapters:- ⅘ (Was okay for a read. Just little bit short.)

Overall Impression:- 18/20 (Overall Impression including cover and title was really very impressive.)

Did the author followed you:- 10/10

Total:- 92 /100


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