📜Reviews by @-kairaforever📜

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Kaira Reviews
By -kairaforever


1) Love by mistake
By kairamagical

Cover: 5/5
I honestly loved the cover, it's just so beautiful. Covers do have a great impact on the readers, this cover is so eye-catchy. As a reader, I would personally love to check out this book.

Title: 5/5
According to the story plot line, the title is perfect. It gives a brief idea about what the story is going to be about.

Blurb: ⅗
The description is not much in detail, could tell a little more about what the story is. But as the title gives a brief idea about it, it's fine.

First impression: 10/10
To be honest, as I already said, the title and cover is so attracting to the readers. I myself as a reader would want to check out the book. I was really excited to review this book. It seemed too interesting to me.

Plot: 10/10
The plot is really good. It keeps the readers hooked up to the book. As I read it, I felt it was really interesting, and also noticed that many other readers felt the same. Overall, the plot was really nice, I loved it.

Writing style: 10/10
I just can't cut down points for this one. After all, no matter what the plot is, the writing style matters the most. And I personally loved her writing style. Her writing style itself makes the reader more interested in the book.

Language and Grammar: 9.5/10
Both english and hindi are used. So it becomes easy for the readers who don't understand hindi to read as well. For Kaira FF's I have noticed most of the books written in hindi, many readers who don't understand that language, are unable to read it. Coming to Grammar, I didn't find any grammatical errors in the story. The whole book is written so beautifully.

Character development: 10/10
As the characters are from the show, they are similar to those characters. But this story, isn't based on the tracks, so the characters are described beautifully. Every character's importance is given clearly. A Story is based on character development, and for this story it's a full 10. 

Length of chapters: 5/5
The chapters are neither too long, nor too short, hence they are perfect. 

Overall impression: 19.5/20
Overall, I loved the whole story, the story line, characters, writing style and just every bit of this book. I am sure all the readers love it too, and are hooked up to the story to know more about it. Personally it's a really interesting plot, I loved it!

Follow?: 10/10

Total: 97/100


2) Parents The seen God
By Kaira_reader3104

Title: 5/5
The title gives a brief idea about the story. And is a very different title.

Cover: ⅘
The cover is not clear, the text is hidden. I would recommend to re-do the text. Other than that, the picture and font is perfect.

Blurb: 5/5
The blurb gives much idea about the story. It gives a brief summary about the OS. Hence, it's perfect!

Plot: 5/5
I haven't seen such a plot before. We all have imagined the young Kaira, and them as parents. But never as old Kaira. But the whole idea behind it is unique and quite interesting to read. It gives a good message to the readers as well.

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