✎ FATE 09

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We all sat together in the living room. I sat at the same couch as Taeyang.

"What's your name again?" his mom ask.

"Y/n." I said.

"So how long have you been friends Taeyang?"

"Um since the first day he came to school. Not so long."

"What does your parents do? I mean their work."

"Ah mom why are asking such a personal question?" Taeyang interrupt.

I just kept quiet.

"And the reason I brought her here is because you guys want me to introduce you at least one friend right? Not because of anything else. She's Y/n. My friend. That's it." he said.

"You know I send you to school to make you learn and study not to find a girlfriend!" his dad said.

"I-im not his girlfriend..." I said.

"See... this is why I... nothing. Y/n let's go." he grab my hands.

We went out. Thank goodness the rain has stopped.

"Let me walk you home." he said.

"It's okay. I can go back home by myself."

"What if anything happens to you?"



"I'm sorry about just now. My parents, they're always like that." I knew they would act that way honestly. That is why I don't want to bring a friend to my house.

"It's okay."

After a few minutes, we arrived.

"See you tomorrow."

"Okay. Be careful on your way back." she said.

I was about to walk away. I turned back.

"Um Y/n."

"Yeah why?"

"Ah...nothing." I said.

"You're weird hahah. Bye. See you tomorrow."


I ruffles my hair. Somehow, I'm not sure about how I feels. And it's frustrating. I wanted to tell her but I can't.


I went downstairs after I get ready. I saw my parents were having breakfast.

"They should be at their work why are they here?"

I guess they're not working today. I sat at the table. My dad was reading a newspaper. My mom was having her breakfast next to my father. They notice me. I didn't talk to them. I eat a bread as my breakfast.

"I can't believe you act like that yesterday." my dad say.

"Why? What did I do?" I replied.

"Don't be rude to your father!" my mom said.

"You're saying I'm being rude right now? Well I can't believe you yelled at me in front of my friend."

"She's your girlfriend right? Or you have feelings for that girl?" my dad asked.

"So what if I have feelings for her?" I grab my bag and was about to go out.

"But you can't be with her! Yuna is the only one for you." my mom said.

I stopped.

"We've broke up. A long time ago. You know it. She cheated on me with my friend. And you're the one who sets us up together. I don't even know how I started to grow feelings for her. I hate the fact that I used to think that she was my everything, that I'm going to die without her. Why you want me to be with her so much? Because of work? Hahah."

"But you love her."

"I used to. She's happy with someone else now. And I love someone else."

This happens everyday. I hate it. I go out. I headed to school. I go to my class. I say hi to Y/n and Yujin then I go to my seat. The class started. After a few hours, it's finally recess. I'm on my way to the canteen. Suddenly someone tapped my back. It was Hwiyoung.

"Ya it looks like you're close with Y/n and Yujin now. Woah..."

"What's wrong with it?"

"Aish your personality hasn't changed at all. By the way, I saw you with Yuna yesterday. Do you guys know each other?"

"You saw us?"

"Yeah. There's rumor saying that you guys are actually a couple. Is it true?"

"Wth. No."

"But you guys really look good together. Maybe because you guys are from US? Idk. Anyway I got to go now. I'm hungry. Byeee." he left to the canteen.

"Who starts all this rumor aish?"

I go to the canteen. I took my meal and sit at the same table as Y/n and Yujin.

"Did you get home safely yesterday?" Y/n asked.

"Yeah." I answer coldly because I was in a bad mood.

"Ya are you okay? Did something happened or what?" Yujin asked.

"No. I'm okay."

I don't like to share my true feelings with others. Or share my problems. Suddenly, the same guy who bullied Y/n the other day walk past our table with his friends. Y/n somehow look anxious. Then, they turned back to out table.

"Wohoo look at them." he said.

I saw his nametag. Dongjun.(random name)

"You guys are close now? Hahah."

"Mind your own f business." I gets up and stand in front of him.

"Who are you and why you defend her so much? You like her?"

"You don't need to know." I was about to walk away beside him.

He suddenly punches me. I fell. All student at the canteen is shocked. I touch my lips, it's bleeding.

"Aish why are you so annoying?" I gets up and punches him back.

We fought at the canteen. Hwiyoung and Y/n try to stop me.

"Stop it Taeyang." Y/n said.

"Ya Taeyang calm down." Hwiyoung said.

We stopped fighting. The teacher came.

"Stop it both of you!"


I was eating at the canteen with my friend suddenly we saw two students fighting. It was Taeyang and other guy.

"Why are they fighting?" I asked.

"Dongjun is always like that. He always bullies people." Chaeyoung said.

"He bullies Taeyang?"

I saw that girl I saw the other day, Y/n and Hwiyoung trying to stop him. Then, the teacher came. They stopped fighting.

↳ FATE | SF9 TaeyangWhere stories live. Discover now