✎ FATE 14

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It looks like I can't seem to find him anywhere in the hotel.

"Where did he go? This is all because of me aish...No way, did he already jump inside the sea?? No. It can't be. I shouldn't think about negative things."

I keep looking for him. I even ask those people if they have seen Taeyang anywhere. But the answer is always the same. "No." I've tried to call him many times but his phone is off. I'm worried about him.

"Only if I answer him yesterday..."
"Ah seriously Yoo Taeyang where are you?"

Then, I went to find him outside. At the beach. I still can't find him after 2 hours. I already gave up. I sat at a bench facing the beach. I let out a sigh. Suddenly, my tears began to fall on my cheeks.

"Where did you go Yoo Taeyang? I'm so worried about you..."

I look around the beach. Then, I saw a man walking past me while looking at the scenery. It's Taeyang.

"You're here all day long?"

I wipe my tears and follow him from behind. He still hasn't notice me. I throw a small rock at him. He turned back at me.

"You're here all day long huh?" I said.

He look confused. I cried. Then, I go hug him.

"I've been looking for you everywhere but here you are. Do you know how worried I am? Why didn't you answer my calls? I thought you already jump inside the sea you know." I hit him.

"Were you looking for me...?"


"I'm sorry...for making you worry..."

He hug me tighter because I was crying.


"Ah sorry for not answering you calls. My phone ran out of battery." he said.

"I'm so worried about you, you know." I glared at him.

I lay my head on his shoulder. He's kinda shocked at first but then he became comfortable.

"Why did you ate alone during breakfast?" I ask.

"O-oh well...I thought you hate me after last night's incident..."

I laugh.

"How could I hate someone...that saved my life..." I said.

"I'm sorry...about last night..." I added.

"Why would you say sorry hahah. I'm the one who should apologise." he said.

We just sat there while looking at the beach.

"Promise me one thing." I said.

"What is it?"

"Don't ever disappear like that again."

He laugh.

"I got it. I won't disappear like that again."

He hold my hands.

"But why did you come here?"

"I felt a bit down. I came here because...it's calming." he replied.


"But didn't you go on today's visit?" he ask.

"I didn't go because of you." I replied.

"Mianhe. Because of me, you didn't get to go with Yujin and Hwiyoung..."

"It's okay..."

"I have something to tell you." I said.

I lift my head and look at him.

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