The one who gets saved

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We lopen in elkaars armen. Hij pakt me op en draait me rond in de lucht, knuffelend, genietend, tranend van geluk.'

'Y/N. You were going to get in danger, just for me.'

'Well yeah, i guess I love you.' zeg ik.

Hij zet me neer. 'I love you to Y/N. You don't know how happy I am to see you. I've searched two hours for you and it was killing me. I came to our house and didn't saw you, thats when i saw this live television thing were they kidnapped you, and i recognised it imidiatly. I called the whole gang. Im so happy they all helped me fighting the other gang, otherwise you woudlve died... for me.'

'Thats what people do for the poeple they love.' zeg ik zachtjes.

Hij drukt zijn lippen op de mijne en zegt daarna. 'I have some news for you.'

'Tell me.' zeg ik glimlachend. 

'I arranged a party for you.' Ik kijk hem een beetje verward aan en hij gaat verder: 'It's a party to celebrate that the whole gang, the people who always tried to kill you, me and my father. They're all death, gone, forever.'

'It's weird, that I'm going to say this, but I'm happy they all died.' zeg ik aarzelend. 'SO now, we're save for always?'

'Yes sweetie, we don't have enemys anymore. It was just one crazy gang. The other small gangs are people who can be tolerated and tolerate us.'

'Thats so good news, wow, i m so relieved.'

'Me too. I don't need to wrry anymore, you can get the freedom you want now, although i still want you close to me, cause i cant bare a minute without you.'

'Aarrghhh you r so cute, i love you.'

'I love you to.'

The Maffia Son & Y/NWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu