Chapter 21: Hero

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It's probably because I haven't met a person that I can trust.

This sentence was very harsh. If Kiyotaka Ayanokoji's friend heard that, they would probably feel very sad. He basically denied everyone he knew with the label of them not being trustworthy, which will make more affectionate or emotional children feel sad.

Principal Nezu still smiled, the expression on his face did not change. In fact, he was somewhat glad that he was talking to Kiyotaka Ayanokoji here, and fortunately, it was he who heard this sentence.

If it was Shota Aizawa, he would definitely be full of anger and beating him up already.

Although he looked unkind and even expelled many children coldly, Shota Aizawa, in fact, is the most emotional person out there. Once he trusts someone, he will continue to trust them without wavering.

"I see." Principal Nezu nodded. "I believe this person will definitely appear in Ayanokoji-kun's life one day. After all, human feelings are always unpredictable, right?"

Kiyotaka Ayanokoji casually responded, "Who knows."

"Then let's talk about the league of villains." Principal Nezu changed the subject, "About the leader of the league of villains who is not very mature, how much do you know about him? Excluding his character, does Ayanokoji-kun have any insight about his quirk or name?"

"His quirk should have something to do with destroying because the rose turned into ashes after he touched it." Kiyotaka Ayanokoji calmly said, "As for his name, I really don't know, maybe Genkan can tell you more."

It was all because Genkan forced him into this mess, that led to him being targeted by the principal...

Principal Nezu nodded, "Genkan is that new writer, right? I have read his books, he is a child with very interesting opinions. If possible, I really hope that he can come to UA."

If... possible?

Kiyotaka Ayanokoji looked at the smiling principal next to him.

"Really? I think he will be very happy to be the teacher of his brother. He has always lived away from the crowd, and has never been to public places except for special circumstances."

"After all, in addition to learning how to be a hero, what everyone needs more is to receive basic education. Regarding Japanese, I have always wanted to find a suitable teacher, but Genkan'S situation is a bit special. If I want to hire him as a teacher, I need to make a special application which is really troublesome."

So it can be confirmed.

Kiyotaka Ayanokoji turned his head, his golden eyes now showed disinterest.

Principal Nezu knew that there was a list of ultra-dangerous level quirk owners, and was testing himself with this, or telling himself that he already knew that Hitoshi Shinso was hiding something.

How boring.

But it seemed that Principal Nezu was very satisfied. He jumped off the bench and said, "Thank you, Ayanokoji-kun for being able to say these things to me. Midoriya-kun should be back soon, so I won't bother you any longer."

"Goodbye, Mr. Principal." Kiyotaka Ayanokoji said politely.

After taking two steps, Principal Nezu suddenly remembered something and stopped. "Ah, yes, there's one thing I forgot to say, Ayanokoji-kun, I think all people are unique, everyone has their own unique side and I think the same counts when it comes to you too."

A gust of wind blew, curling up the slightly yellowed leaves, bringing the coolness of the autumn, Kiyotaka Ayanokoji's golden eyes revealed that he was unmoved, as if he hadn't heard anything.

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