Chapter 16- My name isn't even Jimmy!

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Lloyd meandered through the busy streets of Ninjago, bored. All his friends were at lectures, and he had no idea what to do.

So he went for a walk.

Which was a big mistake.

"Jimmy? Is that you?"

Lloyd turned to see an old lady with a walking stick, slowly making her way over. She was very skinny, bit she looked nimble. She wore a purple rode, with a wierd symbol of a goat, and a purple goat hat.

"Uhmm.. no. Sorry ma'am, but I'm not... Jimmy."

"YES YOU ARE!" she screeched.
"WAIT NO YOU'RE NOT! YOU LOOK EXACTLY LIKE JIMMY, BUT YOU'RE NOT HIM!!" she screamed, waving her stick in his face.

"Sorry ma'am but-"


Lloyd looked at her, confused.


"JUST COME WITH ME, JIMMY! YOU'RE IN FOR GREAT TROUBLE!" she grabbed his arm and dragged him along the street.

"Let... Go... Of ... Me!! isn't... even Jimmy!" grunted Lloyd, struggling in her grip. She might of been old, but boy was she strong.

"Nonsense. Close your mouth." 

She dragged him along the high street, in front of everyone (to Lloyd's embarrassment), and into a small cul-de-sac, full of little cottages.

The cul-de-sac looked rather out of place, considering the fact that it was situated in central Ninjago City, and surrounded by skyscrapers.

The old lady dragged him into the furthest cottage, which was covered in flowers.


"My name isn't even Jimmy!" Lloyd protested,  squirming.

"Shush." she chidded, smaking him on the head.


Then the door opened, and everything changed.

A young girl, around Lloyd's age, stepped out.

"Ma!" she cried in embarrassment. "That's not Jimmy!"

Lloyd couldn't stop staring at her.

The old lady dropped Lloyd on the ground and peered at his face through her round, cranky glasses.

"He's not Jimmy?"

"Of course not!" Lloyd retorted.
"As I already told you, My name isn't even Jimmy!"

"Oh. Whoops."

The old lady began to walk in the cottage.

"Ma! You're not going to apologize?!" Akita cried, trying to maintain her anger.

"Whatever." The old lady said, waving her hand at Lloyd.
"That's not how things worked when I was small."
She entered the house, and shut Akita and Lloyd outside, huffing.

"I'm sorry." Akita apologized, helping Lloyd up. "My mother can be... Very blunt."

"I HEARD THAT!" hollered a voice from the open window.

Akita winced and sheepishly looked back.

Lloyd dusted off his trousers and looked up, blushing.

"N-no problem."

Akita smiled, and Lloyd took a food look at her.
The first thing he noticed, was that she was wearing rather odd clothes.

She was wearing a red and white robe, with a wolf symbol, where the two sides touched. She had some strange marks on her cheeks, like whiskers, and she wore a white Wolf hat, and a white cloak, with three points, tipped off with red. And was it just his imagination, or did she have... Fangs?

Anyway, she deeply represented a wolf.

Lloyd's attention raised to her face. She had bushy black hair, braided at the sides, and large,  inquisitive, brown eyes. She had dark, furrowed eyebrows, and a small buttoned nose. And her ears-

"Are you going to just stand there staring at each other, or are you going to show him around?" came a rude voice, from the top window. "I know some manners, you know."

Akita blushed and groaned. She had been staring at him, too.

"Alright." she said, briskly.
"My name is Akita Fu, Formling, and former citizen of the Never Realm. Nice to meet you. And you are?" she asked, extending her hand out.

"Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon. Nice to meet you too." he replied shaking her hand.

"Or.." she said, a cheeky grin spreading across her face. "I could call you Jimmy."

"My name isn't even Jimmy!" cried Lloyd, facepalming.

"Alright, alright." reassured Akita.

"Anyway, who even is Jimmy?" Lloyd asked.

"Well, Jimmy, Jimmy is my 15 year old cousin. He ran off a few days ago. We have informed the police, but so far, there is not much hope in finding him. And from that day onwards, Ma has been dragging home any young blonde man she sees, home, because she thinks that they are Jimmy, Jimmy." she said, sagging at the thought of her lost cousin.

"Oh. I'm sorry." Lloyd said, patting her arm awkwardly. "Wait... And did you just call me Jimmy again?"

"Never mind that." Akita said, grinning.
"This is the cul-de-sac!" she extended her hand, and gestured to the cluster of cottages around them.

"I'm not trying to be rude but.. it's rather odd to have a group of cottages in the middle of a city. Like... How did it get here?" Lloyd asked.

"Well, my family all live in this cul-de-sac, which we built. We are refugees from the Never realm, and these houses are very similar to the ones we lived in there."

Lloyd gasped. Another Realm? Wow.

"We are formlings. That means, when we turn sixteen, we gain the ability to transform into one animal, an animal decided by fate." she explained.

"Whoa! That's so cool! So does that mean... Your mum has the ability to become a goat?" Lloyd asked, intrigued.

Akita nodded.
"And I can turn into a wolf."
She leapt up into the air, and spun about, quickly transforming into a white Wolf with three tails, and accented by red marks. She transformed back, by leaping into the air yet again.

Lloyd gasped in amazement.

"Whoa! That's sick!"

Akita blushed and shyly nodded.


There was an awkward silence.

"Oh.. uh... Yeah. Looks like I got to go, Akita." Lloyd said, looking at his watch. "Before I go... D-do you have a phone number?"

Akita turned the shade of a tomato.

"Oh... I uh... Yeah. Here." She passed him a little note, with her phone number scrabbled across it in messy handwriting.

"Bye!" Lloyd waved, walking out of the cul-de-sac.

"Bye, Jimmy!"

Lloyd groaned.

"My name isn't even Jimmy!"

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