Chapter 25- Is that normal?

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Hallo! So sorry for the late updates!! :(
Dis chapter is on next generation Ninjago so... Ya. You're probably a bit more familiar with my OC for Next generation (Chapter 10). However, if Ur not, here is a list of the characters in this story:

Lizzy - ( Jaya kid, is 4)
Tyson- ( Kailor Kid, nicknamed Ty, is 9)
Casper- (Jaya kid, nicknamed Caper by Lizzy Is 1)

Here we go!



Lizzy flung the door open and leapt into Kai's arms.

"Whoa! Slow down, little Zap trap!" he chuckled, spinning her around.

"UNCLE KAAIIII!!" she screamed.

"AND TYYYY!!!" she screamed as Kai put her down. The four year old flung herself into a bewildered boy, awkwardly standing behind his father.

"Oh. Hey." he said, pushing his cousin away.

"Ty! That's not very nice." scolded Kai.

"But she's being really cheesy! And cringy!" he protested.

"Cheesy? Do I taste cheesy? Should I try?" asked Lizzy.

" no." stuttered Kai.

Lizzy raised her mouth above her wrist, just as Nya ran down the corridor.

"So sorry to keep you waiting, Bro!" she smiled. "I've been really busy with the Kids, and work, and we need to redecorate the kitchen, then I need to take a photo for my new passport, then I-"

"Don't worry, Sis." said Kai. "Just take a chill pill. Jay and I will take the three little rascals out, and you can relax at home."

Nya visibly relaxed.

"Thank you so so much!" she sighed, flinging her arms around his neck.


"The wheels of the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round, the wheels on the bus go round and round, all day looooong!" Lizzy chirped. She put her hands on the edge of the baby carrier, set on the car seat, and poked her head in.
"Did you like my song, C.. caper?"

The one year old let out a small chortle.

"See! Daddy! Caper liked my Soong!" sand Lizzy.

Jay and Kai who were discussing 'grown up things' were sat in the front seats of the car.

"Cool!" laughed Jay.

He turned back to Kai.

"Can I talk to you?" asked Lizzy.

"Sorry Lizzy, but Uncle Kai and I are talking about grown up things. Why don't you talk to Ty instead?"

Lizzy turned her head to Ty, who was staring out of the window.

"Tyyyyyy! What do you mean by cheesy? Does it mean I taste of cheese?" asked Lizzy, shaking at his arm.


Lizzy waited for him to explain more.

"Is that it?" she asked, confused.

"It just means that your being cheesy." he grumbled.

"Why are you acting like one of those reaally grumpy people who hang out in the corners of streets with grey clothes and greasy hair, and they smoke cigars and drink wierd smelling stiff from bottles, and look all scary and they are rude and they use little see through things with fire coming it of them (lighters) and they leave their cans behind and sometimes use these fizzy drink cans with wierd stuff on top to draw on walls big letters and people and numbers and flowers and they all look sad and mopey and-"

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