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It's here! Chapter 20 and 21 are both part of this story, and I would highly recommend reading those chapters (in consecutive order) before this one.

Get ready for some Kailor action!

Plastic potato xx


I wrapped the yellow scarf around my neck, and slipped on a scarlet coat.

"Please will you tell me where we're going?" whined Kai.

"Sorry. Not yet." I chuckled, slipping on a hat and mittens.
"All I can say, is that you should layer up."

He grudgingly slipped on his red coat, and slipped on a scarf.

I raised my eyebrows.

"What? A master of fire can't get cold. I mean, I'm way too hot! Like, literally, and... Elementally? "

I sighed.

"Alright then. Follow me."

I flung open the balcony windows of my old bedroom, and slid into the roof.
"Reminds me of the time we were talking from our balconies, and I made that stupid excuse to go in, so that in oils save Jay." Kai sniggered.
A small smile tugged at my lips.

Kai followed me across the roof, trying not to slip on the wet roof, and failing.
It was quite easy for me thought; the slippy tiles were nothing new to me. We dropped down next to the wall, surrounding the palace, and I opened an old wooden flap, hidden by the weeds and the ferns.

"Whoa!" he breathed. "You know the palace inside out."

"Yes. I'll tell all about it later." I told him, sliding down into the darkness.

Kai hesitantly followed me, and we reached a small, badly dug tunnel.

"I made this with my mum. I was only six." I told him, touching the familiar, soily walls.
(Is that even a word?)

Kai yelped and tripped.

"Carefull." I chuckled. "There are roots everywhere."

"Thats not a root. It's a box." Kai gasped.

What? I spun round, to see the dim shape of the corner of a box, prodding out of the ground.

I inhaled sharply.
"Let's dig it out." I told him, scrabling at the dirt.
After a matter of minutes, we had brought out the box. I couldn't really see it, but it felt like it was made of wood, with something engraved on it.

"Kai. A torch please." I asked.
"My pleasure."

He formed a ball of fire in his hand, and we huddled around the box.

There were dragons, and flowers, and trees, and clouds, and they were all hand carved into the lid of the box. And the name: "Frieda Zhang" was right in the middle.

I spluttered.

"Is everything alright?" Kai asked.

"It...  It was my Mother's maiden name."

Kai raised his eyebrows.

"Whoa. Let's go outside to open it."

We continued to trundle through the musty tunnel, and soon came out into the jungle.
I knelt down onto the grass, and brushed off the dirt on the lid. I tried opening it, but with no luck.
I inspected the seal, when I spotted a tiny keyhole, no bigger than my pinky-finger.

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