Chapter 30- Love confession.

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(This is a high school AU :) ) 

"Where are you? We're all here!" exclaimed Cole through the phone.

"Sorry!" whined Jay. "It's not my fault that Morro managed to get me into detention!"

"Never mind! Just be quick. We're picking the movie now. Oh, and by the way, you are going to confess to Nya, right?"

"Uh... I don't know! What if she rejects?! What if she actually hates me?! WHAT WILL KAI DOOOO?!" he screamed. 

"Whoa! Chill buddy." huffed Cole. "If it makes you feel any better, I'm going to be confessing too..."

Jay raised his eyebrows. 

"To who? I never knew you had a crush!" 

"Uh... You'll see. Anyway, hurry!"

"I'll be there in a sec! Bye!" Jay swiftly hung up, and slipped his phone in his pocket.

"They better have picked Fritz Donnegan."

(I think that's how you spell it.) 


Nya collapsed onto the sofa. 

"Sup homies!" she cheered, grabbing the remote. "What are we going to watch?"

"Why don't we watch a Star Farrer movie? They seem to be very popular." remarked Zane.

"YEAH!" shouted Lloyd. "STAR FARRER RUUULES!" 

"He's high on sugar." explained Zane. 

Cole shrugged. "I have a bunch of Fritz Donnegan movies. Ohhhh, let's watch a lovey dovey movie!" he cooed,  shuffling through a box of DVDs.

Nya frowned.

"Since when were you into Romance?" she asked.

Cole shrugged. "I'm not. I think it would be the perfect atmosphere for when I confess to-"

"IT BETTER NOT BE NYA." snarled Kai, walking in from the kichen. He set down on the table a bowl of Popcorn.

"- my Babe."

An awkward silence spread across the teens. 

"Um.... your Babe?" 

"Yeah.. my Babe." 

"Who is your 'babe'?" asked Zane. 

"Ma babe will be here soon. Then you'll see." he sang, staring into space dreamily.


"Lemme fetch it! I wanna see your 'babe'!" screamed Lloyd, scampering over to the front door. 

He flung open the front door to see... Jay?

"J-jay? Jay is Cole's babe? Whoa! Congrats man!" 

Cole frowned.

"No, It's not Jay. She should be coming soon."

Jay awkwardly shuffled in and sat down on the sofa.

"H-hey Nya." he stuttered.

"Hey!" she smiled. 

There was an awkward moment between the two, as they stared at each other. Then they were rudely interrupted by Kai's head. 

Kai stuck his head in between the two.

"Cut it out, It's GROSS!" 

Nya and Jay blushed and looked away from each other. 

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