Chapter 17 - Lightning Chicken

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The picture is amazing. You can't disagree.


If we are late to training, we get punished.

If we ruin the kitchen, we get punished.

If we fiddle about with, or drink one of Wu's teas without his permission, we get punished.

If we use the toaster for experiments or inventions , we get punished.

Master Wu directed the last rule to Jay especially.

Wu has created a special chart, so that if any of us do something bad, we get punished. This rule chart is mostly directed at Jay, Cole, Kai, Lloyd, and Nya, for they have been misbehaving recently.

Last week Lloyd and Nya snuck into Wu's room, and drank some of Master Wu's Musicali- tea, which caused them to sing opera, twenty four seven, all week.
Last weekend, Cole exploded the whole kitchen by following a prank recipe by Kai, and mixing three kilogrammes of baking soda with ten bottles of vinegar.
And Jay tried experimenting on how many mini cheddars he could toast in the toaster at a time. It exploded.

I guess it was fair enough. It was only for the monastery's, and our, safety.

I walked down the corridor, to get ready for training, when Jay burst into my way.

"ZANE!" he cried in relief. "I was looking for you."

"Why is that?" I asked.

"Well.. I uh... Kinda need help on this invention I made. It's a little fighting drone."

"But Jay, we have training very soon. We may be late."

"Naw, it's just a little problem. It won't take a minute. Please?"

Even though I was sure that the favour would last more than a minute, I agreed.

Jay led me Into his bedroom, where an extremely complicated machine was placed, dots of oil and cogs and machine parts scattered across the table.

"I need help with the wires. They got all mixed up and they exploded in my face, so I can't tell which one is meant to connect to which. Could you scan the different materials of the wires and connect them back together?"

I sighed.

"Alright. But I am warning you, there is an 85.3426 recurring percent that we will be late for training." I warned.

"Naw. It should be fine. I'm pretty sure that the punishment isn't even that bad anyway."

I began to scan each burnt wire, and slowly attach them back to their own designated wire. Jay was sitting there beside me, furiously banging at a crumpled piece of metal, trying his best to flatten it.

I continued to scan, until Jay quickly turned and brought something out from under a blue cloth under his desk. And there was a small cuboid - shaped object lurking under it.  I suspiciously eyed the lump, and frowned at Jay.

"What?" he nervously chuckled.

"Have you talked the toaster?"

"What? O-of course not!"

"Don't even bother, Jay. I have a lie detector software."

Jay slumped in his chair.
"Darn it!" he muttered, rubbing his forehead. "I should have known!"

"I can hear you. "I replied, turning back to the wires.

Jay opened his mouth to reply, when Kai burst into the room.

"Zane! Jay! You're late to training. Master Wu is not happy. I'd be careful if I were you." he said, running his hand through his hair.

I never understood why Kai cared about his hair  so much. He spent approximately 1 hour and 32 minutes and 16.34 seconds in the bathroom, gelling and brushing his hair. Even Nya, who had long(ish) hair, didn't spend that much time in the mirror.

Maybe the reason I don't understand is because I'm a new nindroid, and I don't need hair products to keep my hair in shape. All it takes is a push of a button, situated in my right arm, and my hair is back to normal.

Kai led us through the corridor, and into the front yard, where Sensei Wu was waiting, along with the other ninja.

"Jay. Zane. You are late."

Jay gulped.

"And being late has its consequences. And the consequences for being late to training are..."
Sensei Wu pulled out a large school from his pocket and unraveled it.
"Facing the chicken."

Oh no.

Jay turned white.
Nya gasped.
Kai's mouth dropped open.
Lloyd almost fainted.
Pixal widened her eyes.
Cole ate his cake.

"And, for using the toaster for experiments and inventions... Is doing the monkey pose in front of everyone for half an hour."

"What?" spluttered Jay. "How did you-"

"The toaster handle sticking out of your pocket gave it away." Sensei calmly informed us.

"Now let's start training."


I glared at Jay as we were marched down the corridor.

"Sorry!" he whined. "I didn't mean for you to get in this mess!"

I grimaced and looked straight ahead, trying not to think of our fate.
Sensei marched us into the living room, where all the ninja were seated on the sofa.

"Now," he said. "You two! Monkey pose!"

In case you didn't know, the ninja, for some reason, find the monkey pose very funny, yet embarrassing. However, I personally do not understand how a classic Kung Fu pose can be silly.

So I stood up on one leg, raised my hands in the air, and lifted my other upwards.

The ninja burst into laughter.

Jay hesitantly followed my lead, his cheeks burning with shame. After an achey half an hour, the ninja left the room, and Sensei placed a box with holes on the side, on the floor.

"Get ready... Get set.. GO!"

He lifted off the lid and sprinted off, closing the door behind him.

Flashing blue lights emitted from the top.
I could sense the energy building up in the box.
Small crackles of electricity bounced off the blue ball off energy. And from the top of the box, a small head of a blue chicken slowly appeared.

"Oh no."

The blue blue fired out of its box, and right into Jay's face, electrifying him.

"GaGaGaGaGaGaGaHhHHHHhhHhhh!" Jay screamed, jerking back and forth in the air.

The chicken then leapt into my shoulder, and zapped me too. It was horrific. I could feel the sheer power zapping through my body, burning through my wires and jerking myself about uncontrollably.

It was torture.

By the time the punishment had finished, we collapsed in a heap on he rug.

"Uggh." groaned Jay. "I am never going to be late to training. Again."

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