Chapter 18- Cole's baking skills.

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"Cole... Are you sure?" asked Lloyd, flicking through the leaflet.

"Yes. I'm sure. I'll start a bakery! And I'll be famous for my AMAZING CAKES!" he cried.

"No offence but.. last time you helped make a cake... It went wrong. Like really wrong. And even if it went right, you would probably eat it before it sold." Lloyd said slowly.

"Nah. I'm sure that my bakery will be a big success." boasted Cole puffing his chest out.

"Well... If you're sure. "

Lloyd left the room, rubbing his forehead.

Cole sighed and stacked up the leaflets and stuffed them in his bag.

"I'm sure that this won't be a mistake. I'm sure that renting this cafe was a good idea. I'm sure I'll be famous. Because, a baker will never give up!"

He truimphantly held up a wooden spoon and slipped on an apron.

"Let's get cooking!"


Cole raced into the kitchen.

"Let's make... A carrot cake!" he enthusiastically chirped, flipping through his cookbook.

"Right. Four eggs."

Cole clumsily cracked four old eggs he found (at the bottom on the freezer - ewww) into a bowl, leaving large chunks of shell in the gooey mixture.

"300grams of self-raising flour."

He tipped a whole bag of flour into the bowl, causing white powder to fill up the air, making him cough. By the time it had all settled, he looked like a ghost.

"300grams of sugar. "

He grabbed the table salt and tipped it in.

"Olive oil."

He filled the bowl to the tip with the greasy mixture.

"And three grated carrots!"

But where were the carrots?
Cole searched the kitchen from tip to bottom with no luck. And all he found was chaos; he stirred up the flour, causing him to cough and he had emptied out all the kitchen drawers and there were ingredients all over the kitchen table.

He'd just have to ask Zane to buy some more. Or... He could use radishes instead! Good idea!

He carefully grated the (muddy) radishes into the mix and beat it up, spilling the majority onto the empty bag of flour and the baking tray, which he had lined earlier.

He clumsily shoved the cake mix, now a revolying separation of oil, and a mud brown, gloopy and lumpy mixture.

There! Now for the icing!


Now, because all the foods in the kitchen wee allayed across the table.. Cole didn't exactly find the correct ingredient, and instead added mustard.

"Icing sugar."

He added the salt.

" And soft cheese?"

That sounded a bit wierd to Cole. So he just added cheddar.

He mixed it all up, and waited for the cake to bake.


Pixal hummed as she tightened the screws of the engine. She was fixing the beaten-up engine of Jay's plane, in her room.

She opened the windows for some fresh air, when she smelt.... Burning?!

She quickly ran over to the kitchen... To see Cole, asleep, his face in his bowl of icing, and a cake, on fire, in the oven.

Oh Cole.

What had he done now?!

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