Chapter 21- The wedding.

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Hey! Just a very quick note:

If you haven't read the last chapter, I'd recommend ya do that, cuz this chapter won't make much sense; they match up.
Plus, the next chapter will be continued from this one too. Btw, the marriage will be a little different to European ones, because this marriage is set in Ninjago.

Ty, and enjoy!

Plastic potato xx


I gave a last look at the mainland and stepped on board the bounty.

"Welcome aboard, princess." Kai joked, kissing my hand.

I blushed and fiddled with the amber wedding ring on my finger.

Today I was going to marry Kai. Today!
And guess what?
Tommorow would be my birthday!

And I had picked the perfect place: Chen's island.

The place where we met.
The place where we got to know each other.
And the place where we had our first kiss.

Although the palace's corridors still brought back bad memories, it had enough bedrooms for all our guests, it was beautiful, and it still did hold good memories.

I buried my nose into my mother's yellow scarf. I was wearing it today.
It smelt of the familiar scent of flowers, and comfort.

I miss my mother so much.

I don't know what happened to her, or if she is still alive. I don't think she is.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my shoulders.

"Are ya alright?"

I smiled.
Kai always uses slang.

There's a funny story he told me about that, when he wrote a very informal letter to the mayor of Ninjago.

I'll tell you another time.

"Yes, I'm fine. It's just.... I miss my mum." I sighed, leaning back into his embrace.

"Mhm. Don't worry, I felt that so many times." he mumbled, tensening up. I could tell that he didn't like the subject. So I quickly changed it.

"Kai, after the wedding... Can I show you a place? It's.. special. Very special."  I hesitantly whispered.

He nodded.


I opened a blue door.

"Jay, Nya, here is your bedroom."

I watched with a grin on my face as Jay rushed past me, cheered and bellyflopped onto his bed.

"I feel like I've never been in bed for AGES!!" he screamed.

Nya giggled and patted his head.
"It was only a few hours ago, Sparky."

I grinned as they got up and snuggled together on the couch. They were such a cute couple, I couldn't wait until Jay proposed to Nya!

I quietly left the room and hopped down to the kitchen, where Zane and Pixal were preparing the wedding cake.

"Just add another bit, there." Instructed Pixal, pointing to a small gap in-between the small squirts of red icing on the cake.

"You have icing on your face." Zane said, wiping a smudge of icing on Pixal's cheek, blushing.

"O-oh. Whoops." Pixal replied, turning the same colour as Zane.

"Hey! How's the cake going?"

The Couple jumped as if they had been shocked.

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