Chapter 6 ~ Permission

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Me and Harry decided to talk to Dumbledore that same evening.

"Sherbet Lemon." Harry said to the stone gargoyle which guarded Professor Dumbledore's office. We are the only students in the school who know the password to his office, incase of an emergency like this one.

As we entered the office, the headteacher's expression stiffened.

"Is everything alright?" He said, with worry on his face. Usually if we came to visit him, we had massive smiles on our faces, but this time it was pure worry.

I shook my head and we started to explain what had happened.

"So you need to leave now to go on this quest?" He asked, after listening intently to the whole story.

"Yes." I said quietly.

"And you are sure you have to go alone?"

"The less of us there are, the less suspicious it will be." Harry replied.

Dumbledore shook his head. When he relaxed his face, I could see all of his worry lines.

"I feared that this may happen. I can't believe I ever trusted that man."

He changed the subject.

"Well, you best get packing you two. Take Hermy with you Hermione, and keep in contact with me regularly. Keep moving, and don't stay in the same location for too long." It was the first time ever that he hadn't chuckled at my owl's name.

"Thanks. For everything." Harry said to Dumbledore, as we stood up and walked towards the exit.

Dumbledore nodded, his worry lines more obvious than ever.

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I stood at the end of my bed, tears in my eyes. I couldn't believe I was leaving, and I didn't know when I would come back, if ever. I pushed the thought out of my mind, and grabbed my rucksack. I put an undetectable expansion charm on it, so I didn't have any space restriction. I packed all of my books, clothes, and money. I put in blankets and pillows, and a magical folded up tent that my dad had given me. I knew I had to write to my parents, but now wasn't the time.

I zipped it up, and left my dormitory. I went down the staircase into the common room, and saw Harry waiting for me. Everyone was at dinner again, so nobody saw us leaving. I went to the owlery to collect Hermy, then Dumbledore waved us off in the entrance hall. I grabbed hold of Harry's hand, and we apparated straight to Godric's Hollow.

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