Chapter 10 ~ Unknowing

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"I'm sorry Harry, I know that this is harder for you than me." I said, tears in my eyes. We had started to walk away from the house and were about to apparate to my parent's home.

"No, I'M sorry Hermione. This is all my fault, I never wanted anyone to get caught up in my problems." He said.

I didn't reply for a minute, until a thought struck me.

"Harry! The protective charms! Mum and Dad will be safe from dark magic! We have to go now! Are you ready to leave?" I asked.

He took one last look around him, and nodded.

I grabbed his hand and we turned on the spot. The next thing I knew, we were standing at the end of my road. Still holding onto Harry's hand, I ran as fast as I could to my house. I went right up to the front door and knocked. I heard voices from inside, and the hallway light turned on. My dad opened the door and I flung my arms around him.

"Hermione? Harry? What on earth are you doing here?" He said, just as Hermy flew in to the front door. I pointed at the letter that Hermy was holding in his beak, and my dad read it. My mum came out, with the same reaction as my Dad, and she pulled us both inside from the snow. She gave both me and Harry big hugs. My dad passed the letter to my mum, and once they had both read it, they had same shocked expression.

"Mum, I need to ask you something, and it is really important. Has anybody been in this house during the last week?" I had to make sure.

"Not that I know of, except for the electric man this morning." I exchanged a panicked look with Harry.

"Mrs Granger, where did he go and what did he say?" Harry asked politely.

"He went upstairs to check the smoke alarms and plug sockets. He just said that it was an annual check." She said.

"Did he go into Harry's room?" I asked, expecting the worst answer.

"Yes, he spent the longest in there." My dad answered.

I looked at Harry and we ran up the stairs. I opened Harry's bedroom door, and saw my biggest fear.

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