Chapter 7 ~ James and Lily

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Still gripping onto Harry's hand, I opened my eyes, and looked at the beautiful village around me. It was snowing! I pulled my rucksack off of my back and pulled our hats and scarves out. Harry was looking around. I knew this was going to be really hard for him, being where his parents once lived.

"Come on." I said reassuringly, as I noticed the sign infront of us.

'Godric's Hollow Graveyard'

I pulled Harry's hand, and we walked through the gate.

I looked around cautiously, but couldn't see anything. I had packed the sneakascope (an object which will make noises if there is something fishy going on) and nothing was disturbing it.

"Let's look for some sort of writing on a gravestone, and then we should go to bed." I added, when I saw how tired Harry looked. We split up, and after about half an hour of searching, I called out to Harry.

"Harry! It's here!" He ran towards me, and he read who's gravestone it was.

Vernon, Petunia and Dudley Dursley, who died in an awful car crash.
Always in our hearts.

I looked sideways at Harry. This was the grave of his aunt, uncle and cousin. I rubbed his back, and he looked at the back of the gravestone.

The Potter's blown up residence will hold what you are looking for...

I was about to ask Harry if he was ok when he said something unexpected.

"My parents must be here somewhere. We have to find them Hermione." He said quietly, and walked away from me to search more of the stones.

"Here they are Harry." I said, as I pushed the snow off of the top.

In loving memory of James and Lily Potter. Died 31st October 1981, Forever in out thoughts and hearts.

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