Chapter 18 ~ Family

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The past few months had been more hectic than ever. We were trying to catch up on schoolwork as well as being constantly harassed with questions and congratulations.

We had burned Voldemort's book, and Snape had sworn to stay on the good side. He had told us of any other Death Eaters and Dumbledore had made sure that they were captured and sent to Azkaban.

Everybody had been very sceptical about Snape to start with, but he had changed a lot, and soon managed to convince everyone of that.

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I was sat on the ledge by the lake, listening to the soothing sounds around me. I felt so grateful, for my family, my friends, my teachers, everything. There is nothing more that I could ask for. I had grown closer to my brother over the past year, learning about his past, and seeing what truly is underneath all of his layers, underneath the brave front, underneath it all.

I realise now that there is something more to every person you see, even those who you think you know so well. There is always something deep down, whether good or bad. It just proves the point that you cannot judge another without getting to know them. It takes time for someone to open up to you, because it is scary to tell someone everything about yourself. There are some things that you hope that no one else finds out, like how you have a sensitive side, underneath the brave front. It is ok to not be ok, and I am glad that Harry sees that now. Everyone will feel down sometimes, and everyone needs to realise that that is ok!

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I was sat next to Harry in the common room, we were the last ones up.

"Harry? I am so proud of you, you know that? Just like your parents would be." I said quietly. "I love you so much, and I am so grateful that you are my brother. I will always be here for you you know?"

I moved across the chair and wrapped my arms around him.

We let go and looked at each other. We both burst out laughing.

"Thank you so much Hermione, for everything. I truly do love you."

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