Chapter 11 ~ Young Love

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I looked at the room, clothes flung across the floor, books and CDs pushed off of the shelves. I saw an envelope which had been torn open, a piece of parchment laid out on Harry's desk, and a pile of photos, one of which had been torn to shreds. I looked sideways at Harry, and he had the same expression as me. I stepped forward and grabbed the torn up photograph. It was a picture of young Lily Potter, hugging a very young looking Severus Snape. It had been torn down the middle. I realised how much Snape must have loved her, and how heartbroken he must have been when she chose James over him.

Harry had picked up the rest of the photos, all of which were of Snape and Lily. Voldemort must have used such dark magic to get these into Harry's bedroom. I couldn't help but wonder how, and when.

I picked up the parchment and read it out to Harry.

If you have gotten this far in my quest, then I believe you are serious about finding my secrets. Use the photos, and you will be able to decipher the message.

I looked up from the note, and saw my expression mirrored on Harry's face. Just as I was about to suggest something, I heard footsteps thundering up the stairs.

"What is going on!?" My mum asked, worry in her fragile voice.

"Mum, don't panic too much, but a Death Eater has been in here. We are going on the same quest as him. We have to get there before he does, otherwise they will take over again." My voice cracked, and I realised how much I wanted to stay at home and keep my parents safe. I saw the pure terror on her face when I said the words Death Eater, and I watched her break down into tears. I realised that she was looking at Harry.

"Mr and Mrs Granger, I'm so sorry for this, for everything. It is all my fault, you let me in to your family and this is how I repay you. It's my fault that you are all in danger."

"Oh Harry!" She said, wrapping her arms around him. My dad put his arm around me and we joined the hug.

"I love you all so much, thank you for everything." Harry said.

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