Chapter 12 ~ Disappointment

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We had left my parent's house to keep them safe, so we set up the tent a few miles away. Before we left, I had written a letter to Dumbledore and sent it away with Hermy. I couldn't believe that just four days ago, we were still in Hogwarts taking normal lessons.

I sat on the steps inside the tent, leading up to the kitchen. I curled my legs up and put my head down. I didn't know what was going to happen now. We had no idea where to go next. I couldn't help but keep wondering if this was a lost cause. Although we had gotten this far, we still had a long way to go, and no idea what is next. I couldn't help but feel down. For once, I didn't know what was going to happen now.

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Hermy flew into the tent the next day as we were studying the photos. I grabbed the letter and the Daily Prophet newspaper that he was holding. I opened the letter from Dumbledore:

Dear Harry and Hermione,

I am glad to hear that you are both safe but unfortunately I have bad news to pass on. I think the front page of this week's newspaper is pretty self explanatory, so I wont waste your time writing it out.

I am not sure what we can do now, but the latest news is that he is headed for Hogwarts.

Stay safe.


I looked at Harry, and he unfolded the copy of the Daily Prophet.

The Death Eaters are taking over.

Severus Snape, previous teacher at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry and a committed Death Eater has been seen leading the other Death Eaters back to leadership. They have been using spells never seen before.

Is Severus Snape the new Lord Voldemort?

Me and Harry looked at each other, panic in our both of our eyes.

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