Chapter 8 ~ Tears

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I looked up at Harry and saw tears falling down his cheeks.

"Your parents would be so proud of you Harry. If only they could tell you." I whispered in his ear.

I bent down and pulled my wand out. 

"Orchideous." I said quietly, and a bouquet of flowers appeared infront of the gravestone.

I stood up and I rested my head on Harry's shoulder.

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I woke up from the blinding light of the sun. I climbed down from the top bunk and saw that Harry was still asleep. I walked to the end of the tent and opened the zip. I saw that it had finally stopped snowing, and it just left a thin layer of white on the ground.

We had sat for hours last night, talking to Harry's parents. We knew that today we had to go to Harry's first home - well, the remains if it, Voldemort blew it up with his killing curses 16 years ago.

I decided to send Hermy to my parents with a letter explaining where we were and why. I felt it was safe to send him now that it had stopped snowing.

I went back into the tent and got dressed. I was making some breakfast for us both when he woke up at last.

I turned around and smiled at him. We had had a very emotional night together, talking, crying, laughing. It was the closest I had ever felt to Harry, and I think that it was because he was comfortable in the presence of his parents.

"Morning." He said sleepily.

"Morning Harry." I replied, as he sat down at the table and I brought his breakfast over to him.

I grabbed my own and sat opposite him.

"Are you ready for today? I know it will be really hard for you." I said quietly.

He didn't reply so I looked up at him and saw him playing with his food, tears in his eyes.

"Oh Harry!" I got up and wrapped my arms around his neck from behind.

"I'm so sorry, this isn't fair, I'm here for you Harry, everything is going to be ok."

"Thanks Hermione." He said quietly and got up to give me a proper hug.

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