Chapter 14 ~ Remember

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I stood facing Snape, my previous potions teacher who I knew hated my guts. He had always called me an insufferable know it all, and I had always been terrified of him. But standing here, wands pointing at each other, I had no fear, I knew exactly what to do.

"Don't do this Professor. You know what is right." He hesitated and lowered his wand, but it was still pointing at me. I bent down to help Harry up. I turned my back on Snape to pretend to brush down Harry's jacket and whispered in his ear the plan.

I stood slightly behind Harry, ready for the plan to commence. But something happened that I wasn't expecting.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" Snape yelled, pointing his wand at Harry.

"EXPELLIARMUS!" I yelled, and Snape's wand flew up into the air and landed in my grip.

"GIVE THAT BACK!" He ran at me and I threw it across to Harry. Harry threw his own wand to me and Snape took his own from Harry. I passed Harry back his wand and we stood facing Snape.

Snape lifted his wand. "AVADA KE-"

"STOP! WHAT ABOUT LILY?" Harry yelled, starting the plan.

Snape was shocked by his sudden outburst, which was exactly what we were aiming for.

"What about Lily? What about your Godson?" Harry continued. "How would she feel if she knew that you were trying to kill her baby boy? How could you do that to her? After everything?" He stood, looking meaningfully into Snape's eyes.

Everyone sees him as the confident one, popular and lucky, but I see the brave boy, underneath all the layers, hurting, and all alone.

As I am standing behind him, watching him expose himself to his biggest fear, I see the boy underneath the scar, no parents to support him, no siblings to turn to. He hides it so well, but I can see that deep down, he isn't happy. I see him every day, watching others, and wishing he could be like them. He has no one, no one but me.

The boy who lived, The chosen one, The boy who is all alone.

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