Chapter 9 ~ Memories

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I was holding Harry's hand as we walked down the icy road, towards Harry's first ever home. We had packed up the tent, and were ready to move on once we had found the next direction. We hadn't seen any trace of Snape yet, so knew that he must be ahead and that we had no time to lose. I was worried about Harry, and how he was going to cope. He is already struggling from seeing his family's graves. I couldn't imagine my life without my parents, not having them there whenever I needed support. I didn't know how Harry had been so strong for 16 years. I was so proud of him, he felt like my younger brother and I felt so protective over him.

We stopped as we came across the devastating view of the house. Blown up bricks and furniture lay across the ground. I could feel myself tearing up. It was so hard to think about, two kind hearted people in love, blown up and killed by a dark wizard, changing the life of their baby boy forever.

I gripped hold of Harry's arm and squeezed it, and I walked forwards, through the remains of the gate. Harry remained where he was, looking at the devastating reality of his family home.

I noticed an unusual circular object with a speaker and a button. I pushed the button, and out came the screams of Lily and James Potter, the cries of baby Harry, followed by the cold cackle of Voldemort. I looked over at Harry, and saw his face wet with tears. I was about to run over to him when I realised that the speaker was still playing.

You are going on the hunt for my secrets, and I am not going to make this easy for you. The next direction is hidden in the residence of the Potter boy's so-called family...

I gasped. "NO!" I shouted, and Harry came running to me. I was struggling to breathe. Snape would be at my parent's house, or has already been there. He wouldn't resist hurting them to get what he wants.

I collapsed down onto the bricks below me, and Harry sat with me. We were both gripping onto each other, upset for different reasons.

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