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It had been a few months and Wen Qing was still on the run. She had always avoided large crowds and knew exactly how to act now that she got used to it. Though the place she was staying was not as popular, beaming voices was heard, "The Yiling Patriarch is dead!" Her blood turned cold. She couldn't believe it. She ran back to her room and knelt down beside the still unconscious woman beside. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry........... I'm so sorry," she cried to the comatose girl.

Even though she lost her friend, she still needed to get as far away as she can. After all, she was technically abducting a powerful clan leader's dear sister.  She had more than enough supplies now and she decided to stay somewhere secluded. 

It has been a few years, she was still constantly moving. She found a celestial mountain near and decided to rest there for a while. Releasing the hold of her magic that has been straining her because of assuring Yanli's safety, she slowly placed her on the bed of the tall grass.

A celestial mountain had many good herbs and plants that is used in medicine. She was beaming since she knew Yanli was getting better. She just needed to wait for the girl's consciousness to come back and her will to wake up. Even so, it still wouldn't mean they could just go back. Wen Qing decided to stop overthinking and enjoy the breeze there while she can before she had to pick the ingredients there.

Now that she finally had a break after many years, she can't help but go back to that day. After a while, she couldn't help but to think back to that person's words, "The Yiling Patriarch is dead!" She pressed her hands to her cheeks, stoic faced. "Yanli............ I'm sorry for not saving Wei Wuxian.........I'm sorry for not saving your beloved little brother," she said blankly. After a while, she finally felt the pang of realization again, "Wei Wuxian..... I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't save you." She cried and cried, clenching on her robe as she shouted and screamed. The grief really took a huge toll on her.

Always running away and hiding, she herself hadn't been eating a lot. She had to feed more than half her portion of food to Yanli to make sure she gets healthier sooner. She only spent her  money for necessities which was not a lot. Though since she had no job and had to feed another person, she had no choice but to be strict and practice fasting. She was always making sure to be careful not to tire herself out too much.

If she was in Qishan, she could've made better medicine but she knew she couldn't go back there. She only picked plants and herbs for medicine on mountains and anywhere else she could instead of buying them. She was always paranoid, waking up at odd hours and if she couldn't get back to sleep, she would just keep on making medicine with nothing else to do. That or refilling her water bottle and find food scraps that were still edible for herself, drinking lots of water to get over the hunger.

She started getting tired after the sudden release of stress. She tried really hard to fight the sleepiness but it seemed like the grass was enveloping her in a warm embrace, healing her and making her feeling secure. She barely had enough strength to turn to the side to look at Yanli. Before she fall into slumber, she took hold of the other girl's hand. While under the sun, she could only see the shadow figure that darkened her closed lids. She made a strong protection barrier over Jiang Yanli before she went completely black.

Saving You (YanQing/Jiang Yanli x Wen Qing)Where stories live. Discover now