Welcome Home

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They were finally near Yunmeng. Wen Qing stopped the horse and bought another one for herself, "Yanli, we're near." Yanli frowned, "Wei Ying is back and your brother is alright, I'm sure that you can come back with me." Wen Qing shook her head, "I haven't messaged Wen Ning all these years to avoid from anyone knowing of our location, I don't think I want any trouble. I'll be separating from you now."

Before Wen Qing could leave, Yanli gave her a warm hug. She held Wen Qing tightly almost like she didn't want to let go, "Be safe!" Wen Qing couldn't help but to rub Yanli's back, almost tearing up but she quickly held it in and spoke blanky, "You should hurry to your family. Goodbye." What Yanli didn't know was that Wen Qing has always loved her all these years, which was she was always unwilling to give up on her. Even when Yanli was on the brink of death and she herself was too exhausted, she didn't want to stop protecting her.

She can't bear to face her rejection, there was too many chances of that. Considering that she has a child and her brother had once liked her, she had always distant herself away from the older woman. She softly cried as she left the frowning woman alone. Yanli made her way to Yunmeng. Once she was there, she was feeling a bit alone. No one knew her because they were all new people since the clan was slaughtered 20 years ago.

She walked in but there were guards who didn't recognized her. She remained calm and told them that they wished to see their clan leader to discuss an important matter. She convinced them to let her meet Jiang Cheng. Unfortunately, Jiang Cheng was with Jin Ling in Lanling so she needed to wait for a while before they come back. She was sure that it was important since Jin Ling is now the clan leader of his sect.

Jiang Yanli sat near and it was getting dark but she still stayed there. When Jiang Cheng came back to Yunmeng, she saw a woman with hair and figure that reminded him of his sister but he shook his head. He put Yanli to the side to make sure no one disturbed her body and when he was going to retrieve her, he couldn't find her anywhere. He was sure that no one could save her and after 20 years, he believe it was true.

Jiang Cheng noticed the figure hasn't been moving and thought she might be asleep. He went near to wake her up, "Miss?" When he turned her around, he tripped, falling to the floor. "Uncle?" Jin Ling called out. "Why are you on the floor, you look like you've seen a ghost," Jin Ling was concerned, drawing his sword not knowing he is pointing it to his own mother.

"Yanli!" Jiang Cheng called out. Jin Ling stepped back, "Yanli? Mom?" Jiang Yanli stirred in her sleep. She swept the hair that was covering her face. She gasped, "A-Cheng!" Jiang Cheng embraced his dear sister and sobbed. "You're alive. You're alive!" he cheered. He finally stopped for a moment after remembering about Jin Ling.

Jiang Cheng took his hands, "Jin Ling, this is your mother." Jin Ling was feeling quite awkward before Yanli pulled him into her embrace, "You've grown up well, my son." With this, Jin Ling sobbed, "Mother............ mother." He released all the emotions he felt for his mother. The hate, pain, the yearning the countless of times he wished on a shooting star for her. "I'm sorry I couldn't watch you grow up."

Jin Ling's words stuttered as he couldn't hold back his sobs, "No, I am grateful that you come back to us, Mom! Welcome home!" Yanli opened her arms to welcome Jiang Cheng into the hug. Once they calmed down, the three walked inside. Yanli explained what happened. Jiang Cheng frowned, "I'll be making an important announcement tomorrow."

Saving You (YanQing/Jiang Yanli x Wen Qing)Where stories live. Discover now