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It has been years since then. Yanli took a long time to wake up since she doesn't practice cultivation, at least not as much as normal cultivators. Since she wasn't a cultivator and her cultivation is low, she couldn't heal as fast as other cultivators. Her state of mind was still somewhat half-awake but she has given many responses and reaction to show that she was conscious.

Wen Qing had been practicing cultivation and learned many practices with Baoshan Sanren. While she lived there at the celestial mountain, she kept a constant routine. She had planned a schedule consisting of learning most of the time and the remainder was to feed and heal Yanli. She kept in contact with Wen Ning who silently keep other people out of danger but never come close to the four large sects. He was also welcomed to the mountain but he would rarely visit, worried about the situation if he wasn't near Dafan Mountain.

Wen Qing was about to feed Yanli her medicine when she saw that she was fully awake. "Wen Qing," she said. Wen Qing knelt down beside her and gently helped her sit up. "How are you?" her voice was soft and filled with worries. Jiang Yanli gave her a weak smile, "I'm fine." She petted Wen Qing's head softly. Over the years of her being awake in a come, she has heard many stories from Wen Qing. Wen Qing was always updating her of her day and worries.

At first, Wen Qing couldn't see signs of her movements until she felt it while holding her when she was crying since it was the 10th anniversary of Wei Ying's death. Now, Jiang Yanli was finally awake after 13 years. Yanli ate the medicine Wen Qing held. After a few days, Jiang Yanli tried to walk but she could never get used to walking after so long of not using her legs.

During the few months she was stuck in the room, she tried hard to walk with the help of Baoshan Sanren or Wen Qing if she wasn't busy. When she wasn't practicing, she was always cooking. She made her specialty, rib and lotus soup but only rarely since it was quite expensive. Even though Baoshan Sanren offered to buy it with her money, Yanli often refused.

Only with the excuse of wanting to thank Yanli for being a great sister and mother figure to Wei Ying did she get her to agree. The whole time she spent with the two women, they were always reminiscing about their early days. They had many bright days with each other there. While sitting, Sanren also taught Yanli many things to raised her cultivation level. After a few months, she finally got to walk.

This made her realize that she could finally leave the mountain...........

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