Baoshan Sanren

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Wen Qing finally woke up after a few days due to also reserving her energy in protecting Jiang Yanli while she was passed out. She woke up to a bright room. It was simple but had an air of elegance. She was surprised she wasn't killed yet and wondered who brought them here.

She realized that she was quite healthy, more than healthy, strong even. She could do her cultivation without difficulty and worrying about her energy. She could also see that Jiang Yanli was almost healed fully. It amazed her but she knew Yanli still needed rest. Although she was thankful, she still needed to hurry. She didn't want to bring trouble to the person that saved them.

Though she did not know where she was nor the person who brought them here, she still put Yanli back onto her sword wanting be on her way. She didn't have much on her but she was glad she still had enough money to repay her savior. Before she could open the doors though, a woman came into the room. As though age did not leave a single mark on her, no one would know that she is more than hundreds of years old.

Wen Qing respectfully bowed to her elder. "I'm sorry for taking your time. Please accept this as a token of my gratitude," Wen Qing handed a pouch of money. The woman respectfully declined, "I have no need for money." Wen Qing could only hold onto the pouch, wondering what to say next. She didn't have anything else, other than Yanli's medicine.

With knitted brows, she bowed again, "I'll be leaving now, thank you for the stay." Before she could walk away, the woman spoke, "Should you be leaving when your friend is still not fully healed?" Wen Qing turned back towards the woman, "Thank you for your consideration but I am an experienced doctor."

"Are you sure you want to leave when you don't have a safe place?" the woman asked again. Wen Qing did think of the possibilities but she didn't want to endanger the woman's life, "We will make do." The woman sighed, "Alright, if that is your wish." Before the woman left, Wen Qing wanted to know her savior's name, "May I know your name?" The woman turned to her, "Why do you need to know?"

"To repay you, if not money then something else then," Wen Qing answered. The woman answered her question, "My name is Baoshan Sanren." Wen Ning almost gasped in response but she controlled herself, "Wei Wuxian's grandmother?" Not knowing her expression betrayed her, the woman spoke, "It seems you know of me. Hmmm, not even that, it seems you know more others."

Wen Qing gave the most natural smile she could, "Of course, who wouldn't know of Baoshan Sanren? One of the greatest cultivator who reached enlightenment thus becoming an immortal." Baoshan Sanren was suspicious. Once she took a closer look at the two, she realized that Yanli is a disciple from Yunmeng, where her daughter lived and with the way she dressed, she is probably an important figure, possibly the daughter of the leader of the Jiang Clan. 

Either way, she remained civil, "No need to repay me." She walked to a drawer and handed Wen Qing a pouch, "Medicine for your friend."  Before Wen Qing walked away, she debated on whether or not to say anything about Wei Wuxian. Sanren spoke up, "How is Cangse Sanren?" Having lived here on this mountain in solitude, she never heard any news of her daughter nor wanted any in the fear of hearing bad news but she was quite curious.

Wen Qing didn't know what to say and stayed silent.  Sanren frowned, "What about her child? Did she have any children?" Wen Qing gripped her robes tightly, remembering what she heard before. Sanren didn't need to say more to understand, "Thank you for being my grandchild's friend." Hearing this, Wen Qing broke down. Tears burst out from eyes, "I'm so sorry......" Sanren consoled her, making her sit on the bed.

She explained everything that had happen. Baoshan Sanren advised her to stay there since no one would find them there. Wen Qing agreed, she decided to stay there only until Yanli was completely healed and conscious.

Saving You (YanQing/Jiang Yanli x Wen Qing)Where stories live. Discover now