Chapter 4: Birthday Gift

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Magda was placing the candles with number 3 and 0 on top of the cake. Stefan and herself had planned to give Sam a birthday surprise. She was teary remembering that it had been three decades since their daughter coloured her and her husband's life and she was so grateful for that.

Sam actually had a brother who would've been around two years older than her. But unfortunately, Magda had a miscarriage when she was about two months pregnant.

Luckily, the 7th of March, which was Sam's birthdate, was Saturday. So, it meant that Stefan was home and he could prepare all his plans with Magda. "Have you put the candles?" he asked when he came to the kitchen.

"I have. Don't forget to bring the lighter."

Magda brought the cake on both of her hands, while Stefan took the lighter from a drawer. Then, they walked to the front of Sam's bedroom. He opened the door slowly and let his wife come in first. He tried to close the door quietly so that it wouldn't wake Sam and Flo up.

Magda nodded at Stefan first before she touched Sam's shoulder. "Sam, wake up."

When Sam had fully woken up, she asked, "Erm, what time is it, Mama?"

"It's 6:30, sweetheart."

Magda who had given the cake to Stefan helped Sam to sit up. When he lit the candles, Sam could smell the aroma of the cake. "Mama, what do you bring?"

She didn't answer. Instead, she and Stefan started singing Happy Birthday with a very low voice. Sam finally realized that it was her birthday. She started crying and closed her mouth with both of her hands.

"Happy birthday, our beloved daughter!" Stefan congratulated Sam.

"Oh thank you, Papa, Mama!"

"Please pray before you blow the candles," Magda told her.

Sam closed her eyes and started praying. The first person that came to her mind was Jonas. It was her first birthday without him after he passed away. She prayed that she could be the best mother for Flo, so that he would be very happy. She also hoped that she would always be surrounded by people who loved her unconditionally.

Sam could feel that someone, either Stefan or Magda, brought the cake in front of her. And she blew the candles. They hugged her and kissed her forehead right after.

"Mama, Papa, thanks again for the surprise. But, can I ask you one thing?"

"Of course, honey. What do you want?" Magda asked.

"Erm, I want to visit Jonas' grave."

Magda looked at Stefan and he gave her a nod. "Sure. We're going to go there."

"I want to go there with his family as well."

"Okay, Sam. We will go to Robert's house first. And then, we can go together to Jonas' grave," Stefan told her.


Stefan turned the engine of his car off after he parked it in front of Robert's house. "We have arrived, Sam," he told her.

Sam sighed heavily. It was always hard for her every time she paid a visit to Jonas' family. Even though that Robert, Bertina, and Joanne never blamed her for that accident, but she still felt guilty.

Stefan and Magda went out of the car to open the passenger doors. Magda held Flo in her arms while Stefan helped Sam to stand up. Before one of them pressed the doorbell, someone inside the house had opened the door for them.

"Mrs. Adler," Joanne greeted her sister-in-law's mother before she kissed her cheek.

"Joanne, how are you?"

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