You/He Hits Her/You

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*Lagertha*You hit Lagertha when she called your twin Ragnar a cheating bastard because of him cheating on her best friend Layla who is Bjorn's mother with princess Aslaug who you also slept with.

(This is after your daughter Kira came into the world and is around 3 or 4)

*Helga*You hit Helga during one of your furious episodes where you snap on anyone it doesn't matter if that person is very close with you because you almost hit Kira if it wasn't for Helga stepping in front of her. (Helga Pov) I was cleaning when i heard screaming and crying then something fall to the floor i ran into the hut finding a crying scared shaking Kira on the floor with a furious Mulan standing above her with a dark look in her eyes i gasped running in front of Kira's crying form crying out in pain as i felt a suddenly aching stinging on my face. Then i heard my wife Mulan's voice saying"Helga why is Kira on the floor crying" in a confused tone making me realize she had one of her episodes i say"You had one of your furious episodes Mulan you almost hurt her but i stepped in front of her"glancing up making her gasp covering her mouth with tears in her eyes staring at my already bruising cheek saying"omg Helga i'm so sorry please forgive me"in a guilty and pleading tone i smiled sadly saying"I know Mulan sh it's okay"hugging her crying form feeling horrible for her because Mulan doesn't know what she does when she has one of her episodes she blacks out.

*Aslaug*You slapped Aslaug in the face when she called your ex wife Layla a whore because of her flirting with you who let her. (Aslaug Pov) I scream"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WOULD LET HER FLIRT WITH YOU GODS SHE IS A WHOR-"getting cut off by her slapping me hard in the face making me cry out in pain falling to the floor because her slap was very strong. I looked up at my furious wife who scream"LAYLA ISN'T A WHORE ASLAUG YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE SO FUCKING CLINGY AND JEALOUS SHE WAS JUST BEING FRIENDLY"storming off leaving my crying form on the floor wincing as i rubbed my bruising cheek.

*Margrethe*You hurt Margrethe when she made you furious see when you lose your temper your like your baby brother Ivar when it comes to being dangerous and feared. (Margrethe Pov) I kept screaming and hitting Erika in the chest crying because she embarrassed me in front of everyone i scream"HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT ERIKA I LOVE YOU AND YOU EMBARRASS ME LIKE THAT WHY DID YOU SAY I WAS JUST A SLAVE WHORE WHEN ASKED WHO I WAS" she suddenly grabbed my wrists tightly screaming"STOP HITTING AND SCREAMING AT ME OR YOU'LL REGRET IT MARGRETHE"in a warning and scary tone. I shook my head continuing to scream and hit her but i gasped out in pain feeling my wrists being crushed by her tight grip then she slammed me against the wall screaming"I SAID STOP IT YOU SLAVE WHORE"before slamming me against the wall harder which lead to me falling towards the floor gasping in pain crying screaming"OWE STOP ERIKA I'M SORRY STOP PLEASE OWE THAT HURTS"but she continued hurting me she started kicking and hitting me then finally she yanked me up by my hair gripping it tightly screaming"UGH LOOK AT WHAT YOU MADE ME DO"throwing me back toward the floor turning and storming out leaving my aching crying form feeling so much pain. (Hvitserk Pov) Erika came back in the dinning room sitting down beside me looking furious i say"Margrethe"she looked over at me then suddenly stood saying"Oh my gods what did i do"running back out i shared a look with Ubbe and Sigurd before standing with them following my lead we ran out after her. We ended up out their hut Erika opened the door and froze in shock saying"Margrethe i'm so sorry are you okay"walking inside shutting the door we heard crying and whimpering i opened the door freezing in shock along with my brothers staring at a crying shaking Margrethe in a crying Erika's arms. Erika says"i'm so sorry i can't believe i did that i'm going to leave okay and maybe stay away because i don't want to hurt you ever again"kissing her forehead standing walking towards us but stopped when a hand grabbed her leg Margrethe says"please don't leave me i love you i'm sorry for what i did to just please don't leave me"crying i shut the door looking between Ubbe and Sigurd knowing what happened our sister Erika is like Ivar when she is furious she ends up snapping on the person who was fighting with her.

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