Seating Charts Pt2 {JJ MAYBANK x READER}

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A continuation from Part 1 of Seating Charts :)


As the school year progressed, English easily became JJ and I's favorite class. The new teacher was turning out to be way cooler than she first seemed, and she became JJ and I's relationship biggest supporter.

"Alright class," the teacher said as she clapped her hands together to get everyone's attention. "Today, we'll be watching the movie version of Romeo and Juliet. And yes girls, the Leo Dicaprio version of the play."

Cheers were heard throughout the class and Kie turned back to face JJ and me who were in the seats behind her.

"What are you guys doing later today?"

"I don't think we had anything planned, just assumed the pogues would be free," I told her. I looked over to JJ to see if he agreed, but he was already preparing to get comfortable and probably sleep during the class.

"Cool," Kie said. "Wanna meet at the Wreck at 430? I'll tell John B and Pope to meet us there too, I have my next class with them."

Nodding in approval, Kie smiled happily before turning towards the front as the teacher dimmed the lights to see the projector screen better. Quickly pulling out my phone, I set a reminder for myself of meeting the others at the Wreck so I wouldn't forget. When JJ wanted to be distracting, he would be, and we'd end up missing out on another group hangout because he wanted to do something else alone.

Speaking of JJ, I turned to check on him only to find him already deep asleep. He had his head tucked into the crook of his elbows, small little snores could be heard if I tried to listen hard enough.

"JJ, babe, you okay?" I whispered to him, tapping his shoulder.

"Hmph, ah, yeah," he said slightly startled. "Sorry for falling asleep."

"Dad?" I questioned, making sure to keep my voice down.

"Oh, uh-" he began before pausing slightly as if considering his word choice. "Just been a little busier and socially active recently. Can't sleep well, ya know?"

Letting out a sigh, I pulled him closer to me so that his head would rest on my shoulder. Running my fingers through his hair softly, I let him relax into me. 


It had been 3 days since JJ last came to school. He hadn't been responding to my texts, or any of the other pogues either. I knew his dad had gotten to him, but it wasn't like JJ to at least not acknowledge me.

Slumping into my seat in English, the teacher gave me a sympathetic smile as she noticed JJ still had yet to show up. Giving her a small half-hearted smile back, I just tried to focus on whatever story Kie was telling me.

About 20 minutes into the class, the door slammed open. JJ stood there panting on the other side of the door frame, he had prominent eyebags and was wearing a sweatshirt and sweatpants with the hood up covering his head. His eyes frantically darted around the room before landing on me.

"Y/N," he panted out. "I just need to borrow Y/N for a second."

Standing up, I frantically gathered my things. Kie squeezing my hand as I passed by her, I could feel my nerves sparking as I walked down the aisle. I could feel all of my classmates' eyes watching us curiously.

"Can I?" I asked my teacher, referencing to JJ who was still weakly standing by the doorway. 

Nodding her head, she took a deep breath waving at me to go. Eyes very evidently showing distress and caring towards JJ and what he was facing.

Silently thanking her, I quickly made my way over to JJ before leaving with him.


"Everything okay?" Was the first thing she asked us when JJ and I entered her classroom the next day.

"Yeah," JJ mumbled. "Thanks for letting Y/N go yesterday. I really needed her to help me, I appreciate it."

Leaning into his side, careful not to hit any of his bruises, I smiled in thanks.

"You two know how much I've been rooting for you guys. I can remember when my husband and I were like the two of you," she smiled clearly remembering some great times of her own. "If you ever need me in the future, just know that I'm always here to help you both out."

"Thank you so so much," I said sincerely, JJ nodding along with me. 

"Yeah, thanks for letting me sit with her."

"Of course, of course now go take your seats." She said with fake sternness in her voice and a quick wink at us two before she turned back to her papers she needed to grade. 

A/N: This is so rough, I'm so sorry. But uh I mean at least it's an update. Hope this lived up to expectations but tbh I was lowkey struggling with writing this second half.

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