Chapter 2

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After we had sex, we both got dressed, and went to meet up with our friends. We both ended up in the same place, because both of our friend groups were there. "Hey, where were you guys?" A guy with a curly ponytail asks. "We were just fu-" "Shhh!" "Um yeah we weren't doing anything." He says.

I sit on the grass next to Aaron and Thomas. "Thus, did you screw him?" (i ran it through article rewrite and got this line and had to use it but the rest sucked) "Oh yeah. We fucked." "Who are you going to fuck next?" Aaron asked. I smirked at him. "I was thinking you." "Um, okay. Meet me at my dorm at 7 tonight." "You're really gonna fuck him?" Thomas asked. Okay, so I definitely have a crush on Thomas. "Sure. Why not? I don't actually have any feelings for him. Why, do you like me?" "No, of course not!" He said cheerfully. (Heart 💔 been 😭 broke 😓 so 🖤 many 🥀 times 😔)

He really doesn't like me back. "Um, I gotta go." I walk away. I can't believe he doesn't like me back. I mean, why would someone like him be interested in me anyway? I go back to my dorm, and sit on the bed. Why would I even think he liked me back?

*Thomas POV*

That was weird, does he like me? "What the fuck was that?" I ask Aaron. "I don't know." I get up and decide to follow him. I knock on his door. "It's Thomas. Can I come in?" "Sure." I come into his dorm. "Why'd you leave?" "I don't know." "Do you like me?" "No. I only see you as a friend." I lean in to kiss him, and right before our lips touch, someone comes in.

Goddamnit. "Oh yeah. That's Charles Lee. My roommate." "Yeah, I know him." Charles Lee is the most annoying kid in the whole school. Literally no one likes him. "I gotta go meet up with Aaron now. I'll see you later." "Okay bye."

Now that I think about it, he is kind of cute, maybe I do like him. "Aww, does someone have a crush?" "Shut up bitch." I decide to go back to my dorm and finish up my homework. I also told Lafayette I'd do his 40 page essay if he paid me 50 bucks for it. I've only written 1 page, and he wrote the introductory paragraphs.

There's a party tonight, but I doubt James is going since he'll be with Aaron. Oh well. The essay's due tomorrow anyway, so I take it with me. I have an idea. I meet up with Angelica.  "You still haven't finished it?" She asks me. "Lafayette payed me to do his for him and I've done 1 page." "Wow. Do you know if James is going?" "No idea. He's busy with Aaron." I pass her the essay. "Can you write a page?" "Yeah." By the time we entered the party, Angelica had finished writing her page.

"Pass it around and let everyone write a page." She handed it off to Peggy, and it disappeared. I don't know how that's gonna turn out. James and Aaron walked into the party. "Did you do it?" "Yes. Can I get a sip of your drink?" "Are you sure it's not too, intense?" He scoffed. "It's not too intense." He took my drink and chugged the whole thing and coughed it back up. Then he walks over to corner and stares at the wall.

"Notice me senpai..." he mumbles. He starts saying stuff about killing people to get whoever the fuck senpai is to notice him. "Is he okay?" Aaron takes a sip of his drink. "I think you broke him."


"Here's your essay." Hercules hands me Lafayette's essay and walks away. James also turns around and walks out the door. I continue to drink until I hear John yelling something. "Y'ALL SOMEONE GOT HIT BY A BUS!" No one even acknowledges what he said.

Wait, James just left. I decide to go see who got hit by a bus. Maybe it was Samuel Seabury, my annoying ass dormmate. He seems like the type of person to get hit by a bus.

Wait, that kind of looks like, James? Oh fuck. I go over to the body and turn it over. "Oh, thank god it's just Hercules." Hercules stands up and walks away. I just shrug it off and go back to the party.

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