Chapter 9

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Prom was tonight. Me and Thomas were in the hallway, and we were holding hands. Everyone knows we're dating now. Peggy is in front of us and is purposely trying to swing her ponytail. I had girls like that in my old school. Eliza is right next to us, and she gets so annoyed at Peggy that she yanks her ponytail. Peggy trips and doesn't bother to do anything about it. She just gets up and continues walking.

"Why'd you do that to Peggy?" "Just cause. She doesn't seem to care anyway." We catch up to Peggy. "You don't even care that Eliza did that?" I ask her. "No, she's always like this. Eliza is kind of a bitch." The teacher doesn't even show up to class.

"Hey, what happened when you asked Angelica to prom?" I asked Aaron. "She laughed at me in front of everyone and told me to suck an egg." "Yeah, Peggy is the only Schuyler that isn't a bitch." Thomas says. After about 15 minutes the teacher still hasn't showed up so everyone leaves.

*prom night*

Eliza walked up to us, where we were just standing around. "Alexander hasn't payed enough attention to me tonight, so I'm gonna go kiss another guy and see how he reacts." "And you think this is a good idea, why?" This bitch must be dumb as fuck.

"It's the thought that counts, Jimmy James Johnson." She walks away. What kind of thought process could possibly lead her to believe that's a good idea?" I say. "Fuck if I know." Aaron sighs, and takes a sip of punch. "This punch tastes like shit." Thomas comes back in and throws his cup in the trash.

"Probably because Peggy made it. Where were you?" I haven't seen him in like half an hour. "The girl Lafayette was talking to didn't show up and now is ghosting him. I'm just wondering if he really thought she was gonna show up. Also they made me count the prom queen votes. I don't know where Lafayette went."

Lafayette comes back in, and Eliza tries to kiss him, but he shoves her off him. "What the fuck are you doing?" Alexander isn't anywhere in here. "Wanna dance with me?" Thomas asks. "Yeah, lets go!" "Wow, you're so small and cute!" He giggles. "I am not small and I am not cute." "Yes you are, Jemmy." The music stops, and that stupid bitch Samuel walks on stage. "It's time to announce your prom king and queen!"

"The prom king is..." he opens the first envelope. "A tie between Lafayette and Hercules Mulligan!" "How?" I look over at Lafayette. "Nobody voted so we voted for each other." He shrugs.

"And the prom queen is..." Eliza smirks and flips her hair like the stuck up little bitch she is.

Samuel stops taking his slow ass time and opens the envelope. "Peggy Schuyler!" "What?" Eliza looks shocked and upset. Angelica rolls her eyes and walks out. Maria is the only one that looks happy for Peggy.

Peggy takes the crown and goes to make her speech. "Thank you so mu-" Eliza takes the microphone from her. "Sorry to interrupt, but this crown should've been mine. I'm the prettier sister, the better sister, and Peggy did nothing to deserve to this."

Peggy awkwardly takes off her crown and puts it on Eliza's head, and wanders off the stage. "What the hell was that?" Alexander sighs as Peggy walks off the stage. "I'm just being nice." "Peggy, there's a difference between being a nice person, and being a doormat."

After everyone else left the gym, we all stayed. "We should play a game!" Maria suggests. "What game though?" John says. "Anything but wet cracker." I sigh. "What the actual fuck is wet cracker?" Maria gives me a weird look. "It's a game where a group of people stand around a cracker and masturbate. The last person to cum on the cracker has to eat it. I had to eat the cracker."

"Damn I thought you were innocent!" Angelica laughs. "What are we gonna play?" Eliza changes the subject. "Let's play confess our deepest darkest secrets!" Herc suggests. "That sounds fun!" Thomas says.

"John, you're up first." Herc decides. "Um okay. Alex, you're probably going to hate me for this. You are not Philip's dad. I am. Me and Eliza fucked and we had that as a result. She lied to you it was you two's kid. Sorry."

Alexander laughed at him. "Philip looks exactly like you. I knew I wasn't the father, I'm not stupid-" "Yes you are." "Shut up Aaron, that's not the point. I knew the whole time."

"And you didn't break up with her, why?" Herc asks. "Cheating on me is part of her personality." Everyone looks at him like he's completely brain dead. "Are you sure you're not stupid?" Angelica says.

"My turn!" Peggy yells. "So, one time when I was in first grade, I went to bed at 9 when my bedtime was 8:30!" "Peggy, that's not even bad." Eliza sighs. "Fine. Your turn, Eliza."

"I sometimes have dreams about torturing and murdering people." "I'm very uncomfortable right now." "Don't worry Maria, only people I care about. Angelica, Peggy, my mom, Philip, Alexander. In fact in my dream universe I have an entire water torture dungeon." Jesus Christ, she really is insane. I'm surprised that was her deepest, darkest secret. "I also took the batteries out of my grandma's life alert." That's infinitely worse. "Why?" "Why not? I also pretended to be a chicken nugget online and scammed children, but if they trust a chicken nugget online, it's just natural selection at point." She has a point.

It's Aaron's turn. "When I was in 8th grade, I slept with a teacher." "The fuck, Aaron?" I say. "I had a 2%. It was the only way I could pass the class. She got fired for dealing drugs in school anyway."

And so the game continues. Alexander bought drugs from a teacher and turned them into the principal and said he found them in her classroom to get her fired, just because he didn't like her.

Thomas got cheated on, so he used his ex's nudes to make an OnlyFans, and made about 3,000 dollars off of it. That's definitely something he'd do.

Maria cat-fished "King" George as a girl named Charlotte for around a year and eventually ghosted him, all because he told her she smells weird. The people at this school are petty as hell.

Angelica told a boy about Peggy's bed wetting to make him lose interest in her, and date her instead. It worked. Peggy wasn't even mad when Angelica said it. Peggy really is a doormat. Does she not realize her sisters treat her terribly?

It's my turn. "I don't have any secrets." "Come on Jemmy, we all have secrets. You have to have something." "I don't, sorry. Herc's turn."

Herc sighed. "I have a crush on Lafayette."

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