Chapter 3

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I get out of bed and put on my school uniform. "I enjoyed last night." John said. "Cool. Get ready for school." John gets up and puts on his uniform. "Do you like Thomas?" "No..."

"Really? Because I swear last night you called him your senpai and talked about murdering people to make notice you. You said you would push me off the roof. You said you would poison Lafayette's bento. You said you'd frame Samuel. You said you would stab Alexander and shred his body. You said you would snap Hercules's neck, which doesn't make sense because you're 5'4 and probably can't even reach his neck. You said you would pour gas on Aaron and light him on fire. You said you mind break Angelica and make her kill Eliza and then kill herself. Thomas doesn't even like girls. You said you would electrocute Charles. Please do, actually. You said you would push Peggy into the fan and cut her head off. You said you'd gossip about "King" George until he killed himself. You said you'd summon a demon to kill Maria. You definitely do. Maybe a little too much."

I really said all that? I hope Thomas didn't hear me. "Kind of sounds like this game Yandere Simulator." He's right, I played that game with my old friends in 7th grade. "Shit, it really does."

I decide to change the subject. "Did you finish the essay?" "I have 5 more pages to write. What about you?" "I didn't even start, I just got to this school." We walk to class, and Thomas and Lafayette are the only ones there. I sit next to Thomas. "Hey Thomas." "James! I was worried about you last night. You walked out and John told everybody someone got hit by a bus and I thought it was you."

Wow, he cares about me? "Who got hit by a bus?" Lafayette asks. "Hercules." Thomas replied. "Oh my god, is he okay?" "I assume so because he just stood up and walked away." Hercules walked into class, perfectly fine. "Thomas just told me you got hit by a bus last night." Lafayette said. "Yeah, I did. I'm fine though. I didn't finish my essay though. I only wrote 10 pages."

Eliza entered class with dark circles under her eyes, Angelica and Peggy came in too. Angelica was obviously hungover. "What happened to you?" Thomas asked. "I didn't get any sleep because Philip wouldn't stop crying. I have no idea why he kept crying but he wouldn't shut up." "Who the hell is Philip?" I ask. "'My son." But she's 16? "You have a son?" "Yes, I have a son. He's 3 months old." "I actually have a TikTok of me dancing while my mom is yelling at Eliza about her teen pregnancy." Peggy added to the conversation. "Reminds me of the time when I was 11 when my mom kept calling me to tell me she was in a car accident but I kept declining her calls because I was filming a musically. Was really worth the 17 likes I got." Lafayette said, and everyone ignored it.

"Who's the father?" I ask. "Alexander, who else?" She laughed. "Speaking of which, Thomas, I was wondering if you could babysit Philip on Friday night during playoffs? I have cheer and I need a babysitter." "Sure, James, want to come with me?" He's inviting me to help him? "James? Do you want to or not?" "Yeah, I'll do it." Everyone arrives to class eventually, and we get grades back for our essays. Lafayette's jaw drops when he looks at his grade. "What'd you get?" Thomas asks. "I got a 12 percent. That's the highest grade in the class."

How the hell is a 12 percent the highest grade? These essays must have sucked. "I was the only one who actually wrote 40 pages. My essay still looks like shit." Damn. "What'd you get Thomas?" I sit back down next to Thomas. "A 2." He laughs. "I didn't even do it." I tell him. "Me neither." Maria says. "I did one page and got a 1." Peggy says. "I got a 10." Angelica says. "Now class, since you did so terribly on your essays, they won't count for a grade." The teacher announces. "Thank god." Thomas sighs. I can't wait to babysit with him.

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