Chapter 5

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"Uh, James?" I forgot we stayed the night in his dorm. "Yeah?" "We forgot to take Philip out of the closet." "Shit!" I'm still wearing Thomas's hoodie, and I decide not to take it off. Thomas puts on shirt and we go to class together. "So, are you 2 dating now?" Peggy stops us in the hallway to ask. "No." "But you're wearing his hoodie." Hercules says. "Um, I couldn't find my own." Charles Lee just happened to be walking by and said "You don't even own a hoodie! I looked through all your stuff!" (I really want him to say "I lowkey highkey hate you" but I didn't)

"I hate you!" That little bitch punches me in the face. I kick him in nuts and he punches me again. People gather around to watch us fight. No one tries to break it up. Lafayette tried to come between and ended up getting punched in the face, so he walked away. I think my nose is bleeding, fuck. "Mr. Madison, Mr. Lee! Get to class!" The fat, ugly, old principal shouts in her nails-on-a-chalkboard ass voice.

Thomas is nowhere to be seen. "Are you guys really dating though?" Aaron catches up to me. "No! We're just best friends!" (I ain't never seen 2 pretty best friends one always one them gotta be ugly 🥘 👄 🥘 okay I'll stop now) Well do you at least like him?" "I don't even know, I don't know if he likes me back either." "You're wearing his hoodie right now." Aaron just gives me a weird look as he says that. ".....shut up!"

Thomas is already in class. "You okay?" Why does he care? "Sorry I left. The principal had to talk to me." Eliza sits down next to us. "Sorry we left Philip in the closet." I say. She chuckles. "It's fine. I leave him places a lot. Subway, Walmart, Starbucks, McDonald's, the DMV, Target parking lot, on the bus, lots of places!" (Who the fuck let Eliza be a parent y'all 😗)

"One time I heard an Uber driver complaining they couldn't have kids, so I left Philip in the backseat. You know, as a favor." What the fuck, Eliza? "But it backfired and I got child protective services called on me and I told Peggy not to answer the door when they showed up but she did and she didn't listen when I told her to lie that she didn't recognize the kid. I ended up almost getting him taken away. But I still didn't learn my lesson."

"Does Alexander know about any of this?" Thomas asked. "Other than the Uber, no. But he was once with me when I gave Philip to a homeless guy at 7/11 to watch him while we went inside. Alexander didn't want him to and the homeless guy actually called Philip cute. He tried to run away with him but Philip started crying. I always get away with this things because I lie to CPS and tell them I have Tourette's." Who let these 2 be parents? "Why didn't you just take him in with you?" She shrugged. Quiet down class! In 1 week, we will be taking a field trip to Spain for charity purposes! You're all dismissed for the day!" How come this never got mentioned before? "Wanna come back to my dorm?" Thomas asked. "Sure, I mean I don't want to go back to mine after Charles Lee looked through my stuff." "I'm gonna beat his ass!" Thomas shouts. "No, don't do that." "Why not, Jemmy?" He just called me Jemmy. Does this mean he likes me? "I probably should just go get my stuff from my dorm."

Fuck, does he like me? I really can't tell. Luckily, that little bitch Charles hasn't showed up yet. I don't have much stuff, so I just shove it all in a backpack. I really want to fuck Thomas. (Calm down James like damn 🤨) I mean he did kiss me last night, but why would he like me?


James was acting weird. My stupid, ugly, roommate, Samuel, comes in. "How's your BoYfRiEnD?" That nerd says. "How's your boyfriend, "King" George?" I smirk. "I don't fuck with British people." "You don't fuck with anyone, fucking virgin, now say one more bad thing about my boyfriend and I'll choke slam you through that dressed, got it?" "So he is your boyfriend." "That's it!" I grab that little bitch and slam him into the dresser, I realized what I did and let him go.   Well, fuck.

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