Chapter 8

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The debate was an absolute disaster. I'm surprised Peggy did the best. Her speech was dumb, but at least she wasn't interrupting everyone or having an anuresym over lights. Angelica was okay too, I guess. I still have no clue what the performance was. Also, everyone in the group agreed we'd go prom shopping together. Eliza brought Philip with us because she couldn't find another babysitter. I only took 5 minutes to find something. I bought a tux for about 80 dollars. Thomas's card declined. "I'll pay for it."

I payed for his, and we went to see what everyone else was doing. Eliza had me watch Philip while she looked at dresses. Eliza was trying on a pink dress. "You look like you've gained weight." Angelica remarks. "Are you pregnant again?" "No! Why would I want another kid when the first one turned out like that?" She really shouldn't have another kid. Also, why is Angelica calling her sister fat? "Angelica, that dress is not a good look on you either. Your stomach isn't flat enough." Eliza says as she goes to try on a different dress.

Peggy comes out in a beige dress. It's a nice dress. "Peggy, I can see all your fat rolls." Eliza comes out in a two piece dress. "Eliza, we can see your stretch marks in that." Maria rolls her eyes. "You don't look good in that either. That dress exposes all your arm fat. Alexander, do you like this one?" "I think it looks good." "You've said that about every dress, pay more attention to me!" "Found one!" Peggy comes out in a dark blue dress. "How much is it?" Angelica eyes Peggy's dress. "4." "Hundred?" "No, thousand."

"Peggy! I don't have that much money! Eliza, have you found one?" "Yeah, it's 6,000 dollars though." "I can't pay for that." "Alex, you're paying." Angelica finds a dress and she pays for it. It cost around 10,000 dollars, even though she couldn't pay for Peggy's 4,000 dollar dress or Eliza's 6,000 dollar dress. Alexander's card declined about 7 times before they kicked them out of the store. Eliza snuck back in and stole the dress. Peggy bought Maria a dress too.

Me and Aaron signed up to help decorate, as well as Lafayette. For some reason we have prom on a Tuesday. Probably because we leave for Spain on Friday. Lafayette was off doing his own thing, so me and Aaron started to talk. "So, are you and Thomas still 'just best friends'?" I should have expected that question from him. "I don't know, but I will tell you, we had sex." "I knew you liked him!" "Shhhh! Don't tell anyone." "Okay, fine I won't." "Yeah, you better not."

Lafayette walks over to us. "That girl I've been talking to since 6th grade is finally going to meet up with me!" Aaron looks slightly annoyed. "She already stood you up twice. Why are you doing this again?" "I bought her a new phone a few days ago. It cost me almost 2,000 dollars, but it'll be worth it." This isn't going to work out well for him. "She's coming tomorrow for prom!" He sounds really excited, but he's probably going to get stood up again.

"Who are you going to prom with?" I ask Aaron. "No one. I asked Angelica to prom last week, and she laughed at me in front of everyone." "Damn, that sucks. Peggy doesn't have a date. You guys could go as friends or something." "No, Peggy is annoying."

Thomas walks into the gym. "Hey guys!" "Ask him to prom." Aaron whispers. "Okay, why not?" "Want to go to prom with me?" "Oh, I was gonna ask you to prom. But yeah, I'll go with you." I pull him in for a kiss, forgetting Aaron and Lafayette we're right there. Lafayette starts clapping. I pull away, embarrassed. "What? We're dating, aren't we?" Thomas says. "Yeah, I guess we are."

I had no clue how to end the chapter please be nice I know this ending was shitty

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