5: 5th Crossdressing?!

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Back to what Ash did
I waved back and I shouted at the top of my lungs "I'll be back."

Hey there fellow readers!!! I'm really thankful that you are reading this. It's Chapter 5.....YAHOO! Hahaha, well celebration is done, I now give you Chapter 5. (Somewhere in Galar..... A fierce battle is going on and the crowd was cheering. Raihan and Leon thought 'This would not end if I don't use it.' Leon said "Charizard, come back." The Dynamax band was activated and the pokeball grew bigger. Leon said "Charizard, Gigantamax!" Raihan returned Duraludon to it's pokeball and shouted "Duraludon, Gigantamax!" Breathtaking scene of Pokemons growing bigger and changing appearances was taking place. Raihan took the opportunity and instructed "Duraludon, use Max Steelspike." Leon said "Counter with Max Lightning." Moves clashed resulting in a big explosion. Smoke was covering the battlefield. Soon the smoke cleared out. Leon confidentially said "Wow, this battle is indeed intense but it's time for the climax. Charizard, G-Max Wildfire!" Leon bowed and faced the audience with a big smile plastered on his face and said "Enjoy!!!")

Thank you so much for a total of 349 reads and a total of 27 votes. I'm really grateful.💓💓💓

Goh's POV(1 hour before going to the airport)
"Bye Mom, Dad, Grandma! See you next week." I said as I proceeded to go to the door.

My mom said "Don't forget the souvenirs, hihihi. Be safe Goh." (I love souvenirs, please give me some.....Hahaha just kidding)

My dad agreed "Yeah Goh, be safe and good luck."

My grandma joked "Off you Goh, Goh!" (Repeated my only joke😭😅😂)

I said "Grandma! Don't make my name a joke." (I know that this is just joking but if someone misunderstands, This is actually not bullying.)

I hugged my family and they hugged me back. After the warm embrace, I waved them goodbye and went out. I used the elevator to go to the first floor. I arrived and went outside. I let out Raboot and Sobble and we boarded a bus for Viridian City. (I read this in another fanfiction that the airport is located in Viridian City, is it true? If it's true, I'm deeply sorry for not knowing.)

Ash's POV(Arrived 30 minutes earlier than appointed meeting time: 2:30 PM)
I arrived at the airport and put Dragonite back in it's pokeball. I saw a Pokemon Center nearby and went inside. Suddenly my Rotomphone started ringing and saying "Incoming call from Goh. Incoming call from

I grabbed it from my pocket and proceeded to answer it but surprisingly I heard Goh and called "Ash, I'm here!"

I saw Goh sitting on one of the tables with Raboot and Sobble. I went to where Goh was and stood beside the table.

Goh spoke "Ash, sit down. Let's talk about stuff."

I answered "Wait, Imma let Nurse Joy heal up my Pokemons real quick."

Goh looked at me in confusion. I went to the counter and Nurse Joy said "Welcome to the Pokemon Center, how may I help you?"

I replied "Nurse Joy, can you heal my Pokemons?" Nurse Joy smiled at me and Chansey came pushing an empty cart. I put 4 pokeballs on the top and signaled Pikachu to hop on. Pikachu gladly accepted and thanked Nurse Joy for her help.

Goh's POV
Ash came back and I asked him "Ash, did you run into any trouble coming here?"

Ash replied "Nope, I just wanna heal my Pokemons."

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