7: Conversing with Family Part 1

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Day 1.2: Conversing with Family

Greetings to my fellow readers!!! I really appreciate all of you for reading this☺️. I'm really grateful for your utmost patience. Now I give you Chapter 7. (Somewhere in Johto.....Brock was continuing his studies in becoming a Pokemon Doctor. Right now, Brock is serving his delicious stew to the love of his life, Nurse Joy. He gently placed down the bowl full of stew and said "A beautiful deity stands before me in her glorious light. I, a mere human, offer my food with love and care. Please Enjoy~.....OUCH!!!" Brock woke up from his dream by a Poison Jab from Croagunk. After waking up, he immediately fainted.) LOL! Brock, even in his dreams, he still flirts. Poor Brock though, he only dated Nurse Joy in his dreams.

I really thank you Pokemon_Storytime for following me. Thank you so much for a total of 800 reads and a total of 36 votes. Arigatou Gozaimasu❤️

Ash's POV
"I'm really sorry for forgetting you Pikachu. I got caught up in our introductions." I said to Pikachu who looked really annoyed so I gave him a pack of ketchup.

Pikachu looked up and immediately cheered up at the sight of ketchup. My buddy greedily grabbed the packet of ketchup from my hands. I chuckled and Pikachu noticed the familiar faces.

My partner gave his greetings to Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet (Wait let me paraphrase that. Ahem, Dad and Mom. Again let me give a shoutout to ARandomPokemonLover. The profile is awesome!) My buddy yelped "Pikachu, Pikachu Chupika Kapichu, Pikachu!(Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet, I missed you!)" I saw Dad and Mom hug Pikachu in joy of seeing each other again.

I interrupted their reunion and spoke "Professors, I want to change. It's so uncomfortable wearing these things." I motioned my hand to raise the hem of the dress. I also motioned my left foot to move forward to show the heels. I heard Goh snicker and I turned to look at him. Goh stopped snickering and whistled while averting his eyes from me. I mentally sighed and decided to brush it off.

Professor Burnet replied "Sure, you better hurry up because Kukui and I have a lot to ask you." I bolted towards the bathroom inside the house. I heard everybody follow me with slight chuckles.

Professor Kukui's POV
We all sat down in peaceful silence waiting for my son (Ash UwU) to be done changing. Pikachu greedily licked the ketchup which I found amusing. The silence broke with a bubbly "I'm back!" I turned to see Ash wearing the clothes when he was in Alola.

Goh commented "Ash, new outfit?" Ash shook his head side to side as a response to Goh's question. Ash then proceeded to sit down beside Goh.

I said "So our Champ is finally back, how are you?"

Ash smiled brightly like the Alolan sun and answered "Yup, I'm great Professor!"

Goh whispered in Ash's ear which was audible enough to be heard by myself "Ash, is Champ your nickname here?"

I interrupted my other son ( Goh;) ) and asked "Goh, Ash didn't tell you about it before?"

Goh replied with a curious look "About what?"

Goh's POV
I was wondering what Ash didn't tell me and then Professor Kukui replied "Actually....." The Alolan Professor paused and changed his tone from calm to proud and said "Ash is the first Champion of Alola!"

I.....was.....astonished. Ash didn't tell me a great achievement of his. I looked at Ash who sheepishly laughed and apologized "I'm sorry for not telling you Goh. I thought me being a Champion isn't worth talking about." (Ash is a humble, innocent, (fill in words that suit Ash), etc human being.)

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