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it was the next day, i went to volleyball practice like normal, but i saw asahi and my face went a little pink. i saw tanaka in the gym after i changed and went to go work with him. "hey bro, what's up?" i said as i went up to him.

"Hey man! nothing much, you?"

"yeah im okay. so apparently im bisexual."

"wait what?"


"so how'd you find out?"

"well, i told suga about what ive been feeling when im around asahi. like my face feels like its on fire, my knees feeling weak, and my heart races. and i feel like ive got butterflies in my stomach, too. he said its love, and i somehow, dont feel disturbed my the fact that i feel like that for a guy. that's kind of how i figured im bi."

"good for you bro!" he said giving me a high five. but he noticed im a little down. "okay what the heck is wrong?" i played dumb.

"what are you talking about?"

"you seem a little depressed. you want to talk about it?" i thought about it. should i? i mean tamaka is my best bro, and he's always there for me. maybe i should. i eventually decided to tell him.

"okay, but during lunch. we'll talk about it on the rooftop. okay?" he nodded and we started working, but as we were practicing, i bumped into asahi. 

"AH! Noya! are you alright? Oh god im so sorry!" my face went red, and my lungs felt like they were being squeezed. i tried to suppress some coughs, but failed. eventually, i started coughing a lot. asahi started panicking more. 

i managed to get out in-between coughs, "im fine, im sorry." i ran and grabbed some water. thats odd. when i got away from asahi, the coughing stopped, and i started drinking my water.

asahi came up to me and the coughing came back. i started drinking some water again. "hey you alright?" i suppressed my coughs again, and nodded.

"yeah im fine. i dont know what that was about. im sure ill be *cough cough* fine." i said with a smile. asahi nodded and sighed in relief, before going back to his practice. tanaka came up to me. 

"you alright bro? you were coughing a lot."

"yeah i think so. whats weird though, is that i only really start to get a cough around asahi, or when i think of him... i can suppress it sometimes, but its weird. eh im sure its nothing." he looked a bit worried, but shrugged it off too. 

"if you say so man." we got back to practice and it went by in a blur. soon enough it was time for us to change, and i had to focus on suppressing my coughing, seeing as i was so close to asahi. i changed as quick as i could and got out of there, and coughed a bit while i was on my way to class.

what the heck is going on? am i sick or something? i dont feel sick! why am i coughing when im near asahi or think about him? ugh! this is gonna drive me crazy if i cant figure out what it is, and whats causing it!

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