Shibayama hates parties (KuguShiba)

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~Wow it's been a hot minute since I last updated this book- but I'm back! Personally, I think KuguShiba is very underrated and, seeing as it's Halloween soon, I decided to write a Halloween party fic. Enjoy!~

Shibayama hates parties. He hates parties with every single ounce of his being. What reason did he have not to hate them? All they are is a group of, usually horny, high school kids cramming into the same house to be loud, drink alcohol and make a huge mess that must be a pain in the ass for the poor host to clean up. Why the hell would anyone throw a party? It's way too much hassle for such little reward. I mean come on, what do you actually get out of it? One night of being drunk and, if you're lucky, having sex and then a whole house to clean up the next morning, while you're hung over, before your parents find out. There's literally no point in it.

It's not his fault that he hates them; he just has really bad social anxiety and would rather stay inside binging anime than be out partying with his so called friends. It was probably rude to think of them that way but, let's be honest, if they were his actual friends they wouldn't force him to go out and engage in social interaction every other day. They should respect his decision to stay inside and become a complete and utter social reject who spends all his time in his room and lives off of caffeine while barely keeping up with school, even though he's very clever, and watching his will to live slowly shrivel up and die before his own eyes. That sounds much more fun than going to some stupid high school party.

Oh, but it could get so much worse... and it did. This particular party, horror of horrors, was a Halloween party which meant that everyone had to go in costume. That's probably the part he considered to be the worst out of all of it. Why would you go dressed up to a party? That's a social situation, and you already know how he feels about them, with a sprinkle of public humiliation in there just for good measure and, oh boy, was he going to get humiliated tonight. Why? Well, let me tell you why. Lev, one of his best friends, had just watched mean girls with his older sister and had decided that it'd be a great idea for them to all go in outfits inspired by what the plastics wore at the Halloween party in the movie. This meant that Shibayama had to go as a mouse. He'd managed to get a slightly more modest version of the outfit he was supposed to wear but the fact that it was a pretty short dress still made him deeply uncomfortable but hey, what could he do? Inuoka and Lev would kill him if he bailed on them and, to be honest, he got the most modest outfit out of the three of them so he doubted they'd listen to his complaints either.

He finished getting dressed and looked himself up and down in the mirror. Yes he has a floor-length mirror. It's not like he's interested in the way he looks, it's just that it looked pretty good in the corner of his room – it filled up that empty space quite nicely. He had to admit, he did look pretty good in his costume but that doesn't mean he was confident enough to actually wear it out in front of people. With a couple of hair extensions, he'd be a pretty convincing girl and he really didn't like that. Without the hair extensions, he just looked like a hooker. Also, it made him look even more gay than usual and, considering he was only out to select few people, that was terrible.

Sighing, he slid the mouse ears onto his head, grabbed his phone and walked out of his room. As much as he didn't want to go, he also didn't want to disappoint his friends by not turning up at the time they arranged. His sister was also just coming out of her room. Great, the last person who he wanted to see him like this.

His little sister looked him up and down and stifled a laugh. "Let me guess, Lev's idea?" Shibayama's face flushed red and he nodded. She laughed more. "No offence Yuki but you kind of look like a hooker right now."

He folded his arms, a pout forming on his face. "Shut up Maika, I don't need you to tell me that."

"Tsk, whatever." She rolled her eyes and went downstairs to get some food. Shibayama sighed. He'd always had a strange friendship with his little sister. They were basically best friends but what came with that was the constant need to take the piss out of each other. To anyone else, it must look like they hated each other. However, in reality it was quite the opposite.

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