OC stuff and new chapter

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I had a few ideas and decided that I should write them but they are kinda common but also not.

enjoy i guess

the glowing gem design still confused the class and avis response whenever asked wold always raise more questions than they answered all they knew was that they glowed they got a new one for every multiverse they watch and that they are connected to the screen and are not from the multiverse avi is from she also mentioned something called the avengers but that was not related to the gems. neither was her apparently habing there friend

they learned she had some way of talking to him and that there was a high chance of him being beijing the old hickory door that ayoma occasionally goes into as well as dekus closest friends and according to them they didn't even get past the second set of doors

either way they were all broken from there thoughts and empty convos of either looking back at "the old times"

that were not that old if you didn't know that the time did not stop or really freeze in between chapters they did technically have there phones but not everyone carries chargers around with them

momo was one of the ones who had there quirks cancelled how bakugou got his back for a spit second was a interesting miracle

there bodies were preserved in the exact state they were when they fell into the hole so avi said there was no reason for a gym or food since they really were not

she did make sure of that.

they all lost track of time there were things around as in there were clocks meant to help them keep track of time but it was a basic clock with the face and three hands one for seconds one for minutes and the final one for horse.


they couldn't help but wonder how many of those had passed? unlike them avi had not taken the time to make sure that the furniture would be perfect and pristine. so the furniture looked as if it had aged.

how long had they been there? a year? for all they know it had been much more after all they all lost count long ago.

they knew at the very least it was a year for them

what would likely be the longest year of there life. there had been times where they would have said school year would have been the longest year of there life but now reality had hit that this would in fact be the longest and by definition most boring year of there life after all, not all of them had brought and carried chargers or even there phones to class

oh who are they kidding none of them had in fact half did not even have there phones and avi didn't take the time to pt in outlets or adapters so that was not there and even if there was there was no reception and only universal electronics that only avi could get ahold of would work properly in whatever this pocket dimension was called, oh and something called lacrimas would supposedly work but they didn't know what those were let alone own one so that was not valuable information. they did originally have something to keep them occupied but unfortunately for them, remember the split second that bakugou got his quirk back?

Well there entertainment was gone after the explosion.

all that remained for some time was broken glass and smoke and the wooden tv stands turned to ashes

they were left to wonder how they had remained sane for that long, or were they insane and just in a huge case of denial

something some of them called a miracle happened though

there new entertainment came in the form of two people they did not welcome them with lets say open arms seeing as they were the apprentices of their captor but desperation for entertainment threw caution out the window after a long enough time

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