𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹...

428 23 16

Shuichi pov:
I walked out of my room quietly. It was pitch black so I got my phone and put the flashlight on. The noise felt closer and it was coming from the living room.. I was shaking uncontrollably then I accidentally dropped the phone. "Ah fuck.." I muttered as I quickly picked it up. I tip toed into the living room but there was nothing...the noise had stopped? But just as I got my hopes up.... I could smell something. Not a good smell, it was...blood! I panicked even more and dropped my phone. I was frozen in my time, I didn't know what to do! Fuck! I turned on the living room and saw someone laying on the floor....in a pile of...fresh...cold blood. I was shocked, I couldn't move. All I could do is speak. The body looked Fimilar though finally I noticed.

It was ouma's body...

"Ouma is that you?! No! Your just kidding right haha! It's just all a joke!" I said as tears stared running down my face. I tried to believe it was just a silly joke but it was hard. My body pulled me over to Ouma and I collapsed onto the floor grabbing Ouma. He was laying in fresh cold blood. "Ouma are you even alive answer me please!" I screamed with all my might. I didn't want to lose him...he was the only one I had! Suddenly a whoosh passed me. I quickly turned me head still hugging Ouma tightly. "Huh?!" A shadow was there. I didn't know if I should follow the shadow or treat Ouma! This was to much to handle but I don't want Ouma to die!

I lifted Ouma up and hugged him once again while I was still tearing up. I looked at him directly and said "hang in there Ouma I'll get you to the hospital!!" I screamed. I got him on my back thankfully and ran to the hospital in the plot holes black darkness. The hospital isn't far from my home so I was lucky. I sprinted there I was running the fastes I've ever done. I was running out of breath but I couldn't care less. Finally I stopped and we were there. I burst open the door while I panicked and still kept on shaking. This has never happened to me before...

"Please help I found my friend on the floor! It looks like he was bashed on the head, I don't know what to do! Please help! I don't know if he's dead or alive!" I screamed as I collapsed onto the floor and rested up again. I was just a pathetic child...what more could I do? "I-it's okay sir! I-I'll get him to the emergency room o-okay?" A purple haired girl said. She picked up Ouma and quickly ran to the emergency room, I followed. The purple haired nurse. She layed Ouma on a hospital bed. I stared at Ouma, hoping he was okay or at least alive..

The nurse told me that he had a severe head injury from a metal object or a bat. She wrapped bandages around his head while the blood soaked into it. I tried to hold my tears back but it was no use... they just kept running down. I told the nurse what happens when I found him there and all that stuff. The nurse went out of the room to go get more stuff or get other nurses and doctors I suppose.

Time passed and Ouma still hadn't woke up. Suddenly, the door knob turned and the purple nurse came in. I turned and ran up to her "I-is he okay?! Please tell me!" I screamed as I bowed. The nurse looked down at the floor. I was confused. "I'm sorry mr saihara but..."

"Kokichi Ouma is dead"

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no...

"No! Your lying you have to be! He's not dead!" I screamed at the nurse. My emotions couldn't control me. I was furious. I hate liars, she's just fucking lying! "Sir I'm sorry..but it's true I'm sorry for your loss.." I looked down at the floor just...staring... I zoned off... this cant be happening! "Uhm...sir are you listening? We offer therapy services if that's okay...? Most people who lose someone close to them go into a bad mental state so, would you like to consider...?" The nurse offered. But again I couldn't believe her.. she's just a liar! I ran out of the emergency room not paying attention to anything... "sir wait!" The nurse said

I ran outside of the hospital and collapsed to the floor, crying. I couldn't stop...no matter how much I want it to stop it won't. "Sir are you okay?!" The nurse said as she bent down putting her arm into my shoulder. I didn't reply. I didn't even hear...I was that terrified. So...the phone did this huh?.. the lights flickered above me,

Is life...really worth living anymore? Should I be with Ouma...I wanna be with Ouma...

"Sir please answer me!" The nurse said. I slapped her hand off my shoulder and looked at the ground. "Ah! I- I know how you feel but would you like to see him one more time..?" She offered. My head rose and I nodded.. we silently walked back into the hospital. I walked into the room while the nurse stayed outside. I looked at Ouma but...I have to except the fate.. he's dead. Ouma is dead.

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