𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟻...

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Shuichi pov

It was a regular, boring, normal day at school. I walked into class and sat down in my normal spot. I looked out the window to see the beautiful nature outside. Ouma loved nature, That's one thing that makes me remember him. I smiled
"Hey did you hear that someone went to the abandoned phone not so long ago?! I heard they wished for a friend but then that person died!" I heard someone said. Wait...were they talking about me but how did they know?! "Huh really?' That's weird!" I heard someone reply. I had to get out of this classroom immediately.

I quickly ran out of the classroom and standed next to the lockers. I was relieved but how did they know about that?! Unless there talking about someone else...? Then I heard maki talking to rantaro. Another popular kid at my school. "Yeah shuichi went to the phone, what a stupid idiot...I bet he wished for kokichi to be his friend or something like that!" Maki said as she turned around cleaning the desks. They  must have detention because there cleaning the classrooms. It made me snicker a bit.

"Well I'll see you later maki.." rantaro said as he waved to maki heading out the door. Ah shit! He's gonna see me! I quickly hid behind the lockers and when he was gone I approached maki. I hate maki with my heart and soul so I finally snapped and attacked her.

I pushed her onto the ground "hey what the fuck?!" She yelled out as she was knocked onto the floor. She looked at me and found out it was me. She somehow got off the floor and kicked me in the face making my nose bleed. I couldn't care less, I fired back with a punch. "You motherfucker!" Maki yelled while she grabbed me. We were having a full on fight. People started to hear and crowded the classroom and chanted "fight! Fight!" We kicked, punched, grabbed, pushed. It was going all good for me until WHAM! I was knocked out by...maki

My eyes fluttered open and I was in the school sick bay. I looked to my side and rantaro was there, but why? Why would he care about me? "Oh maki knocked you out, sorry about that...she can be careless sometimes but I wanted to bring you here to see if you were okay" rantaro said as he smiled. "Yeah thanks..." I said in return turning to the other side. " so... I heard you used the phone huh?" He asked. That damn maki. She told him of course! "Well didn't maki use the phone aswell?" I said back still on the other side. "Wait she did?!" Rantaro stood up, I turned to see rantaro in shock. Welp- "I'm gonna go ask her uh bye!" Rantaro said and once  I sat up, he was gone. I was alone. Once again.

Once I headed out to the sick bay and into the halls, everyone was gone even the teachers but only the kids in detention were here. Let me guess, maki is in there? I thought. Ah shit- I probably need to go aswell since I did start that fight.... I headed my way to detention and yep I knew it. Maki was in there with Rantaro also kaede was in there too. They were all talking about something but I just sat far away from them. Looking out the window and slowly zoning off. "Oh hey look, it's the freak." Maki said and looked at her little group of friends.

Kaede and rantaro chuckled,I looked to them and quickly turned back. I just ignored an and kept staring out the window. "Aw...are you just gonna stay depressed because of Ouma huh? Answer me!" Maki said as she approached me. How dare she mention kokichi like that! I stood up and maki jumped a little bit and stepped back. Was she...intimidated by me...? "Don't mention him ever again!" I yelled, her little group of friends looked at me like I was a freak. Kaede then stepped towards me and took my hat that I wear all the time. That hat was the only thing that kept me safe... "give that back you bitch!" I screamed as I tried to grab the hat. "Hey rantaro catch ahaha!" Kaede said as she threw the hat to rantaro and he caught it. At this point I was furious. "You want it back freak?" Rantaro teases me as he hung the hat above me. "Give it the fuck back!!" I screamed once again, no matter how loud I scream no one will hear me and no one would care. "Welp to bad!" Rantaro said, he quickly ran to the window and chucked it out of the window. "No!" I yelled as I ran to the window watching my hat fly down to the ground in the dark sky. I could feel tears right at the side of my eyes.

I grabbed the ledge of the window and quickly ran out of the classroom. "Good luck finding it haha!" I could hear Rantaro said as I ran down the hallways and into the school field. It was so dark I couldn't see a thing! I tried to look for it but I couldn't find it! That hat is...it was the only thing I had left of my parents after they no... I killed them... yes, I lied to Ouma. I said that my parents were overseas. How could I be so stupid and lie like that!? Then I remembers I had my phone. I put the flashlight and searched throughout the field. Damn maki and her fucking stupid little group! I just hate them!  I wish they would just DIE!

I kept searching but I couldn't find it. I was searching through bushes and everything. I could hear laughter above me from the school building. I pouted and looked threw a bush. Finally I felt something. "Haha!" I said as my eyes lit up. I found it! My hat! I put it back on and rushed back to the class Tibet my bag.

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