𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟺...

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Shuichi pov
I was back at home... the house was silent... I didn't want to do anything... I didn't want to live... I don't want to talk or cry. But again, I still had to deal with it I'm sure Ouma doesn't want to see me die.

~A couple or weeks later~

It's been some time since Ouma has died. Life has been pretty boring. Maybey I did make the wrong selfish choice to just believe it after all...how stupid of me. The train moved as I looked out the window. I was still pretty lonely.

The train made a weird noise and I quickly turned my head and saw a long haired black girl standing right behind me, it was maki. "So I was right huh? You did use the phone to grant your wish didn't you? Shuichi saihara?" She said as she walked up to me and grabbed me. "M-maki?! Since when the hell did you get here?!" I yelled as I slapped her hand off mine. "I hid under the seats dumbass, what did you expect?" She told me. Of course she did. Maki grabbed me again and threw me back, making me hit the wall. She put her boot on my chest and said. "Anyways answer me! Did you use the phone to grant a wish or not?! Tell me or I'm gonna kick your ass!" She yelled at me. "I-I-..." I stuttered. She was technically chocking me that's why I could say anything but she finally lifted her foot off me and I got up.

"Yeah I did, and what about it huh..?" I growled as I glanced at her giving off a death stare. "What did you wish for?" Maki asked me. "Why do you want to know?" I replied in return. Why does she want to know? It's none of here business anyways... I didn't reply.. I stayed silent. I didn't want her to know "answer me!" Maki yelled as she grabbed my tie. Finally... I had snapped

"No you bitch! You don't know what I've been through! All these years I've been lonely and I finally had a friend but there fucking gone!" I yelled as I pushed maki back. Maki looked a bit intimidated but she didn't care as always. "Whatever" She said in return. The train doors opened. I was about to walk out the doors when I saw maki staring at me, not an ordinary stare it was a death stare. "Just to let you know... I used the phone aswell..." maki said as she passed me and walked away. I walked out and stood in the pitch black darkness while it was pouring rain.

"Maki used it aswell...?" I said to myself. I stared into the distance of the darkness...the rain felt quite nice but I had to get home... I walked away but where did maki go...?

My boots squelched in the rain puddles as I kept walking... I felt lonely...just like I did before...it felt like it was the start all over again... I lost everything... suddenly I stopped. I had a thought were I should go back to the phone to tonight... to ask what happend? I then ran the opposite direction to home and headed for the abandoned phone. It was 1:50am which was perfect. I ran as fast as I could in the pouring rain.. I finally arrived, the memory of me first coming here filled my mind. I shook my head and walked over to the glass box. The wind blew my hair back and forth, my hand reached for the door and opened it. I looked down at the phone, this is the thing that started it all and ended it.

I reached for the phone and waited for the voice to come on...

"Good evening... what would you like to wish for? The phone spoke again. But this time it sounded like a fimliar voice but o couldn't figure out who's.. I didn't think much about it though. "Why did Ouma die? Tell me." I growled at the phone. But, the phone didn't answer me. It just stayed silent as a mouse all I could here was the breeze. "It's no use.." I sighed as i hung the phone up and headed out for the door.

"Are you shuichi saihara?" The phone said

What?! It spoke...but I didn't pick it up, how is this working?! "Um yes.." I replied as I leaned near the phone so I could hear what it was saying clearly. "Why did you come back? Once you answer you can't come back, you only get one wish" the phone replied. "Like I said before, why did kokichi Ouma die?" I asked once again waiting for a reply this time. "Well...once you wish, it's gone or the person is either dead or missing" the phone answerd. W-what?! This has to be fake! My eyes widened as I began to shake again. That's fucking stupid! I should've never came here in the first place..! If I didn't kokichi would've been alive! Again, I began to tear up again.

"That's the rules" the phone said blankly. I didn't say anything... I was in complete shock. Then the phone hung up again. "You stupid fucking phone! I hate you, you bitch!" I screamed at the phone as I tears ran down my face. I can't take this anymore... I can't take it, I can't take the pain!

I ran out of the box and into the persistent rain. I ran all the way home and went into my bedroom...not waking up anyone thankfully. I sobbed hard... I was reconsidering about my choice about death. Maybe I should do it? Get it over and done with... I just want to be with Ouma once again...

(Trigger warning for this part)
I got up and headed to my draw. I found some rope and tied it into a noose. I hung it from my room and got my chair. It was all ready, finally I wrote my note.

Dear everyone...
I'm sorry I'm for doing this, I just feel better doing this. I don't feel like I belong here. I don't have any friends or anyone, I'm lonely but..I know someone who won't make me lonely so this is why I'm doing this. I hope you understand and I'm sure I'll be happy in my new life! Goodbye...
-shuichi saihara

My final message. I was ready... I stood up on my chair and... wait- what the fuck am I doing?! Suddenly my whole mind changed and I didnt want this to happen. Ouma wouldn't like this at all! I quickly got off my chair and took down the noose. I ripped up the note and fell to the floor... "I'm sorry Ouma.."

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