𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟽...

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I was going to die...a slow painful death by the person I absolutely despised. No! I can't die yet! "So you did follow me you creep?!" Maki yelled as she threw me onto the floor making me hit a shelf and glass had fallen onto the creaky floor boards. I slightly coughed relieved that I wasn't in a chocking position anymore.

"Are you really the one behind this?!" I yelled as I stood up. Maki pushed me down again while putting her leg up against the shelf. "The fuck, how did you find out ?!" Maki yelled as she leaned closer. "I-if you are then please! Tell me about Ouma!" I yelled as tears started to roll down my cheeks, I finally couldn't take it anymore...I bottled up all my feelings. I looked into her red eyes. "Shut the fuck up! Like hell I would tell you!" Maki yelled as she punched me. My nose stared to bleed. " "F-fuck!" I said as I tried to cover the blood up with my sleeve, I jumped up and punched maki back. "You shit!" Maki screamed as she grabbed my hair. She pushed me down once again. Maki sighed and leaned down to me again. I flinched but she was staring at my and finally said. "Here I'll make a deal with you understand?" I looked at her confused but nodded and went with it. "I'll tell you what happend to your "dearest Ouma~" if you don't tell anyone I'm behind this, got that?" Maki said as she leanded away. I was in confusion but I followed her orders well...I guess. I sighed and plainly said "okay..." I stood up and didn't make any eye contact with her. "What happend please tell me!" I yelled as I looked in to her eyes. There was scilence for about a minute until Maki spoke out "I killed him."

I was shocked and didn't know what to say. SHE DID WHAT?! "H-huh? You did what?!" I stuttered. "I said I killed him can't you hear?" Maki said as she raised an eyebrow. How- when did she!? I had so many questions i just couldn't get them out. I stood up and yelled with all my might, "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU KILL HIM YOU BITCH!? HUH?!" I was so angry, sad and more emotions bottled up inside of me. Maki didn't say a word. "TELL ME BITCH!" I grabbed her. "I... I was jealous." Maki said as she looked at the floor in disappointment. She was jealous but why...? "Huh,why?" I asked looking confused, "I was jealous of you and Ouma...that you had a good bond together..." Maki told me "So I had to kill him just so I could see the despair rush over you!~" Maki grabbed my hand and threw me into the floor again she had this insane and menacing look on her faces with hunger of despair in her eyes. Oh she was getting the despair alright, I was so horrified that she killed my beloved Ouma! Maki then  let out this terrifying maniac like laugh out. "Ah I just loved the look on your face when you found out Ouma died oh no! When you found out I killed kokichi ahaha!!" She yelled, yet I felt so much despair. "But if you really want him back there is a way but I won't tell ya! Ahaha!" Maki laughed, huh..THERES a way to get him back?! "Now will you do me a favour and get the fuck out of my sight" the black haired girl told me. No I can't leave just yet! I need to kill this girl! But then again I'm no match to maki, I'm weak, fragile and not confident how can I stand up to her. Instead I just agreed to her orders.

I walked out and grabbed my bag. The door slammed shut "Ah!" I flicked. I then ran out of the building down the pitch black street. I ran as fast as I could I...I can't believe maki is behind this and killed kokichi!! I was furious. Tears formed between my eyes and started pouring down my face. I ran home and plopped onto my bed, I didnt want to go to school tomorrow but I had no choice I had to, I don't want to see maki's face ever again. Tats started pouring out more and after time passed I fell asleep feeling horrible.

My eyes flutter open to see the blue sky through my window, the light shined through but I didn't get up I just stayed there. Yesterday was so much I couldn't handle it. I finally lifted my body up and got ready doing my daily routine and stuff, I didnt talk at all after yesterday. I walked down the pathway feeling miserable and tired, if I see maki ever again I swear I will kill her and make her pay for kokichi! And that was promise I would keep. I went to my first class to see kaede and rantaro...my enimies...But something was different they didn't approach me or even bother me nor look at me, what's going on? They also looked a bit worried but for what..? This was all to confusing until it hit...was this maki's doing? Did she threaten them...? I honestly don't know and didn't really give a crap. I tried to think of that way that I could break this curse and get kokichi back so did he really not die...? I shouldn't get my hopes up to soon though.

People started flooding in the classroom and sat in there seats. I just looked out the window until the teacher walked into the room. I looked back at rantaro and Kaede who still didn't lay an eye on me, I mean I'm glad there not bothering me I guess. Class finally stared and I didn't pay attention like usual, I spent all that class time thinking and thinking about all the ways I could break this stupid curse until... it hit me!

I have to kill maki and break the phone.

Unconscious requirement// saiouma [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now