𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟾...

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Shuichi pov

I woke up feeling horrible as usual but today was the day, the day I was going to get revenge from that bitch maki harukawa for killing my friend for nothing. I hopped out of bed and got my bag and started stuffing some weapons in there "hope people don't look in here" I sighed. I packed a knife, bat and a gun, my parents were usually hunters so I packed them in. I also put a pocket knife in my pocket just in case but....should I really be doing this? Killing someone, that might resort me going in to jail! I shook my head. No, this is the right thing to do!

I threw the bag over my shoulder, I was ready to go...I took a deep breath and headed out the door. Every step I took made me even more nervous and I started to reconsider what I was doing but I couldn't care less I have to do this.! My feet entered the school and people were flooding in, I just headed to my class like usual nothing suspicious ,I hope. I sat down then realised something, maki hasn't come to school for 2 days, why was that? Is she scared of me or something?! That thought made me chuckle slightly "Hmph...what a pussy.." I muted to myself. But what if she's planing something? I stopped smiling and got nervous...suddenly the bell rang and I snapped out of my thoughts.

I wasn't really focused on class and was just overall bored, I looked back and saw Kaede and rantaro they...they still wont lay a finger on me huh?

Class finally ended, thank god it felt like I was in hell. I got my bag and walked out of the classroom until someone pulled me back in, it was rantaro. I stared at him blankly, Kaede was standing next to him to what could they be up to? "Do you know where maki is? You were the last one with her I guess" Rantaro said. I actually don't know where maki is so I just shrugged. Kaede then grabbed me by the tie and gave me a Piercing death stare "you do know don't you, you idiot!" Kaede yelled letting go of me. "I actually don't know I'm serious!" I yelled back. They both looked fucking pissed. "If you don't tell us I'll see what's in your bag, it looks heavier than usual why's that shuichi?" Rantaro asked lifting an eyebrow. Fuck, I was screwed I have to get out of here but how?! I started panicking and then I just decided to book it, "look rantaro, I dont know so..bye!" I waved and started rushing out of the classroom as quick as I could. "HEY GET BACK HERE BITCH!" Rantaro screamed chasing after me with his little girlfriend Kaede. I ran through all the people in the halls, I was pushing and shoving just to get away from those two! But where am I gonna go?! FUCK! I looked back and I could see them getting progressively closer and closer, I had no other choice I had to run home as quick as I could! I started running faster and faster I couldn't believe I could be this fast. I finally headed out the school and started booking down the street, I looked back to see that Kaede and rantaro were no where to be seen. Was I safe? I panted so much I needed to take a breathe..."that was a close one" I sighed as I started calmly walking back to my place.

I unlocked the door and plopped on the bed "hmm" I hummed looking around the house. I should maybe plan for tonight on how to kill maki and break that phone. That's it! I ran up to my room and found a piece of paper and started writing down how to kill maki.

"Maki does have good reflexes and she's fast so I'll have to doge her if she comes at me and stab her in the back if she's at the phone for some reason " I thought, I wrote that down in case. I put the pen next to my cheek tapping it lightly while thinking. "Now, how do I break the phone? Oh! I could smash it with my bat, perfect" I exclaimed writing it down. Time passed and I still had plenty of hours left of the day until the big plan, I just thought my best ways and took a nap, hopefully that will pass time.

My eyes fluttered open, I groaned and looked my to clock to the side, it was 1:30pm holy shit it must of been a miracle! It's nearly time. I just decided to stay on my bed staring at the ceiling to see how will this go, I was very Anixous and frightened but I had to do this.

I had to do it for kokichi

I finally got up and prepared everything, if I stuff this up I'm dead for sure! I headed down the stairs and out the door I had a watch on me which was good, it seemed to be 1:40pm "Ten minutes left huh...?" I sighed looking up to the sky while still walking down the street. My legs were shaking, my breathing was heavy, my hands were shaking and I couldn't think straight but I tried to focus, I was nearly there I can do it! Finally I arrived and I couldn't believe who was standing there, it was my enemy maki. She gave me her classic maki death stare. "I knew you would be here shuichi" she coldly said walking towards me, I panicked "D-don't come any closer!" I yelled taking the bag off my shoulder and reaching into it, but something was wrong...my weapons weren't in there! I could've swore the were in there! "Looking for these?" I looked up to maki seeing her holding the bat, gun and knife. "How did you!-" I yelled until Maki ran behind me and I couldn't move, she was holding both my arms together holding the gun at my fucking head. "Now, you want kokichi back huh?" Maki asked still pointing the gun at my head reassured to blow my brains out. I nodded in response. Maki then said,

"Well you'll have to get through me first and I won't hesitate to kill you"

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