𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟼...

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Shuichi pov
I ran up the hallways then I forgot... maki, kaede and rantaro were there. Why haven't they left yet?! Well... there probably waiting for me to torment me. I hid behind the lockers, once agin. "Well se ya! I'm gonna hang out with Kaito for a while, see you tomorrow to torment shuichi!" Rantaro said as he waved to his stupid friends. Torment me huh?... and why would he see Kaito at this time? I didn't question it I just kept listening. "Where is that stupid shuichi?!" Maki said as she crossed her arms looking furious. "Maybe he left already..?" Kaede replies to maki. Maki then looked at kaede like she was some idiot. But I can't lie...Kaede is an idiot. "If he left why would he leave his bag here?!" Maki said as she pointed to my bag. Kaede turned and smiled. "Maybe he was just to terrified to see us huh?" Kaede snickerd. They both laughed. Just hearing their voices irritates me. I cringed at them. "Haha! What a fucking Pussy!" Maki laughed while kaede did the same.

"Well i better get going I guess it's nearly 2am!" Kaede said as she put her backpack around her shoulders. Good she's finally leaving and I can get my bag. It's not like I'm afraid of seeing them i just don't want to see them! "Ah, okay I better from going to but I'm just gonna stay here for a while" Maki replied. Huh...? Why does she want to stay. I peaked my head out the locker to get a closer look of what they were doing. "Oh okay! Bye see you tomorrow!" Kaede said as she headed out the door. Ah crap! She's gonna see me! I quickly stood behind the lockers again. She walked out and headed the opposite way, thatnkfully. Now...why does maki want to stay here hey..?

Maki was just casually scrolling on her phone, is this all she wanted to do!? I tried to calm myself down..."don't worry she'll be gone soon" I said to myself. Well.. I hope.

Time passed and Maki finally got up and put her bag over her shoulder still looking at her phone. I wonder what she's looking at?... "Ah, almost time for my job I see..." maki said, what the? She has a job well a night shift? But she's only 15...and why does she have a night shift of where she works?! I was pretty confused but still watched maki. She then suddenly walked out of the room. I panicked that she was gonna see me and, she did... "AH! Saihara what the fuck?!" She yelled as she jumped and quickly put her phone in her pocket. I just stood there, it was a very, very awkward scilence. "Uh...um.." I stuttered as I put my hand next to my neck rubbing it. "Huh?! We're you watching me this whole time?! Ugh! You fucking creepo!" Maki snapped at me as she grabbed my tie. I made her losen her grip and simply said "yeah, we'll see you.." "whatever.." she replied and walked away down the hallway. Finally I could get my bag. But...I was desperate to find out where maki is going. I clenched my fists then grabbed my bag. That's it...I decided

I was going to follow her...

Maki was still heading down the hallway. I quietly walked out of the classroom and headed to were maki was going, I had to try my best not to make a noise or even a floorboard creek. She does have good hearing by the sounds of it. Anyways, I follwed her down the hallway and out the school building into the plot he black night sky from the distance. She hasn't noticed me yet..! That's good... she was heading a way I've never been before...where on earth could she be going?! I thought. Maki then stopped. Fuck! Was I screwed?! I rapidly hid behind a building and peaked out the side. Maki turned to each sides making sure no one was there and in front of her was a rundown building that was ruined with windows smashed and parts of the building hanging. Does she work here..? But it's...it's a forgotten building surely no one comes here! Maki opens the door and I quickly jumped out and creeped behind her. I swiftly went through the door, it was pitch black in there but then a light flickered on, it must be maki's doing. What is this place...?

Maki then headed into a room, a walked towards the door and it had a giant sign on it and it said "main office" but...what does that mean? I wondered. I peaked into the office where she was and saw that maki was sitting down at and old desk and she picked up a phone... she then said some fimilar words, words that I've heard before, words that made my life a living hell

"Good evening...what would you like to wish for...?"

My eyes widened. W-was maki behind this...?! She was behind this fucking phone rumour! If that's the case! She must know what happened to Ouma right..?! I was in shock and griped the walls. Mixed feelings filled me, anger, sadness shock and more. I couldn't handle it...I was about to snap but I held myself back for a little while. There was some scilence until I heard

"Your wish has been granted..."

Maki must be finished...? Right?! RIGHT?! "That's it!" I whispered. I slammed the door down and dashed towards maki. She turned around and She looked surprised that I was right behind her and found out. In an instant, I was in the air... maki was chocking me. I-I couldn't breathe "so you found out huh...? I knew someone was there." Maki said as she had a piercing look plastered on her face, her red crimson eyes staring straight into my soul. Crystal blue Tears started to form in between my eyes. "I-I" that was all I could get out, I tried to get out of her grip but... I couldn't I was going to die.

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