Interlude - What the Sorting Hat Said

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Everything went dark, as the Sorting Hat was placed over Harry's head. Even though he had grown over the last four years, the hat still came down to his neck. After a few seconds, a familiar voice spoke up.

Well, well, well, what do we have here? A time traveller? Well, what shall I do with you, then? I hear I'm not allowed to place you into Gryffindor, although that does suit you well. Hufflepuff would cause you a lot of pain at the moment, with what has happened in the recent past. No, I don't think you would fit in well there. I see at your first sorting you were almost a Slytherin. Four years has had quite an impact on you, Harry Potter. I no longer think Slytherin would suit you as well. Your thirst to prove yourself is almost gone! This is interesting. You just want to be normal and have no aspirations to stand out for your achievements. You have a good mind, I see. I suppose that would be a good place to put you. You could do well in


Harry took the hat from his head and thought over what it had said. No longer suited for Slytherin, there's a relief, he thought, as the hat was placed on Hermione's head.


Hermione was a little apprehensive when the Sorting Hat was placed on her head. Ravenclaw had already gone to Harry and she knew she would be better suited there than any other house, apart from Gryffindor. A small voice broke into her worrying.

Well, well, another one. A brilliant mind you have, little one, but also a lot of courage. Gryffindor is not an option for you, though, and neither is Ravenclaw any longer. You would be accepted in Hufflepuff, as you have a great deal of loyalty and are willing to work hard. However, you are very ambitious in your pursuit of knowledge and this would probably make you better suited to


Hermione took the hat off slowly and looked over at Ron. His ears were turning red and he had a look on disbelief on his face. Hermione wasn't really sure if she could survive living amongst Slytherins. She was, after all, Muggleborn. But she'd just have to get on with it, and vowed to get the most she could out of the situation.

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