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The world is a globe,
Yet it is so personal
When the star twinkle,
Everyone can see the beauty,
Yet the experience is different,
The perspective on the stars’ beauty,
Not even family share,
It does not mean either is wrong,
The world is just personal,
We spend so much time trying to be,
Like the next person,
Trying to change others to see,
The world as we do,
Creating turmoil and pain,
To ourselves and those we love most,
Believing we are doing the right thing,
And all we have as proof,
Is our perspective,
From our experiences and reasoning,
Where we were born,
And how we were taught,
Is so hard to lose,
Let everyone see through their eyes,
As the wise men said,
'beauty is in the eyes of the beer holder'
Life is personal,
The world is a globe yet personal.
When you are born you become, you get a say even though you do not understand. A pregnant woman according to most of Africa’s culture should never abort. Which means you have become recognized by the law. However, if a woman needs an abortion to stay alive, she becomes a killer according to the social perspective. It becomes a woman's fault if she chooses her life over a baby that would not have had a future. Why is it that only the woman is to blame and the man is perceived as a victim even if he was not okay with the woman’s choice? If he had decided not to have sex with the woman, the woman’s ovum would not have been fertilized and the child would not have become. Why is it wrong for a woman to legally choose her life over a being that would not have made it and would have resulted in killing them both? The guy remains healthy and hopeful as if he had no contribution to the reason why what happened did happen. The child was made by two people but before they are received physically the consequences of the complications that happen are targeted at the woman. I believe even the woman wanted to have more time with the child but it became too big of a risk to take. If it is necessary, the woman can choose without being crucified for it.
Life is personal so why should the choices be any different? Twins may share physical appearances but never assume their internal being is the same. Technology is man-made or even science but it recognizes that even fingerprints cannot be shared. This also means even though the situation is the same, the experience and effects it has on one’s life are unique. Never think that just because you are in the same situation as your neighbor, what you are going through is the same. Do not judge what you do not understand no matter how much you think you have the right or experience to. Everyone sees the world differently. It does not mean anyone is wrong or right all that is perspective that is mostly influenced by past experiences. If Adam the first man was not perfect, who are you to think you are? 
Every person is created to have their purpose and reason for being. When you try to pressure people to believe your own beliefs rather than allow them to be their person, you are dictating and expressing that only your way is the way. If that is so then the Supreme would have made one human to cater to all the needs and to fulfill all desires for what His Creation He wanted to be. God first created man and He realized he needed company.
This also shows that God is not stagnant He also moves according to what is required in a moment. He was the one who accepted blood sacrifice in the time of Abraham, He was the one who sacrificed His son to ensure He achieves a purpose. He was the one who enforced that when you sin, you die to destroy the nature of sin. Don’t be stagnant and never allow those who have chosen to be stagnant to prevent you from moving. The Bible gives us history until at some point. It also gives us a clue about the end of time. From Jude to revelation, there is a gap. Meaning we are still filling the space until now.
I am not advocating for what am saying to be the absolute truth, it is what I believe. Do not follow the crowd and their beliefs. it is okay to questions and try to find your answers. Do not be too stuck in the past to forget there are a present and future to live and only you who can live it for you.

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